BAOA’s Update

Update: July, 2023

  • 5th Helicopter & Small Aircraft Summit, at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh on 25th July 2023 - Helicopter and Small Aircraft Summit is being held at Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh on 25th July 2023. BAOA members have been invited to participate in this Summit. Members, interested in participating, register immediately as per the link already shared, ( There will be a round table conference to discuss optimal utilisation of helicopters and small aircraft in the country. Members are requested to share any suggestions in this regard with MD, BAOA by 24th July through email
  • Comments on AERA's Consultation Paper No. 03/2023-24 - GH services for Global Flight Handling Services (Patna) Pvt. Ltd. (GFHSPPL) at Jay Prakash Narayan International Airport, Patna for the First Control Period (FY 2023-24 to FY 2027-28) - Please see the attached comments sent to AERA on GH charges at Patna. We continue to focus on itemised and rationalised charges for all services as listed in GH policy (Annex A). Further inputs from members are solicited based on their experience at various public airports.
  • Meeting on the proposed projects at Lokpriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport, Guwahati dt. 06 July 2023 - Adani group held the Consultation Committee meeting for the proposed project at Guwahati on 06 July 2023. BAOA participated in the meeting and emphasised the need to specifically take care of the infrastructural requirement at the airport for small aircraft of GA/BA. Please see the attached minutes of the meeting from Adani Group.
  • Stakeholder Consultation Meeting (virtual mode) on 19.07.2023 in respect of CP no. 04/2023-24 of Srinagar International Airport - AERA held the meeting on CP 04/2023-24 to decide aeronautical charges and development of Srinagar civil enclave. MD BAOA participated in the meeting. Please see the attached comments sent on the need to plan a greenfield airport at Srinagar to meet the future needs.
  • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 21 July 2023

    Update: June, 2023

    • Letter to Under Secretary on Review of conditional exemption for concessional BCD rates for imports dt. 16 June 2023 - Please refer the attached letter written to MoCA in response to the comments sought by the ministry for continuing with the conditional exemption on Basic Custom Duty (BCD) for aircraft. Ministry of Finance is undertaking the exercise to review the ongoing exemptions on BCD valid till March 2024. In our letter, BAOA has requested for NSOP operations to be included in the existing standalone provisions of Zero BCD category of scheduled airlines operations and removed from the separate non-scheduled operators category. The standalone provisions for exemption are being granted to Indian Airlines and others like Indian Air Force. Our efforts to get ‘NSOP’ in the same category, as ‘scheduled airlines’, are based on the logic that both are in the common category of ‘commercial air transport operations’. Members are requested to make further efforts in this on-going mission of BAOA through their respective corporate heads.
    • Minutes of Meeting (MoM) under the chairmanship of Secretary (CA) on 3rd May 2023 - We have now received MoM for the meeting of HSAAC chaired by Secretary CA on 3rd May 2023. Please see the attached minutes. SoPs for non-standard parking at busy public airports are being finalised on priority. This would help NSOP/GA aircraft to get more parking slots at metro airports in the country. Regarding ‘Fractional Ownership’ for NSOP, MoCA is aiming for more consultations among all the stakeholders before issuing the final directive. We are hoping for the final directive to be issued by September/October 2023.
    • Comments on AERA's Consultation Paper No. 02/2023-24 - GH charges for CASIPL at Manohar International Airport, MOPA, Goa – Please see the attached comments sent to AERA on GH charges (CP 02/2023-24) at MOPA, Goa. We have asked for rationalisation of itemised GH charges, for semi-skilled unlicenced jobs like marshalling, toilet cleaning etc, and align these with the prevailing labour rates of the states. Members are requested to demand approved GH rates at all public airports before operating and share their experiences in this regard with MD BAOA. These GH rates are approved either by AERA (at major airports) or by AAI (at non-major airports). Please appreciate that we have to make consistent and combined efforts in this direction to have fair and rationalised GH charges at all the public airports in the country.
    • Roundtable on Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) during third Infrastructure Working Group meeting at Rishikesh- G20 reg. dt. 27th June 2023 - BAOA had been asked to participate in the roundtable conference of G-20 Infrastructure Working Group being held at Rishikesh on 27th June 2023. BAOA members, especially those involved in MRO business, are requested to send their suggestions on the issues to be taken up during this conference. Please refer the attached letter received by MD BAOA in this regard.
    • Draft Aircraft Bill, 2023 for public consultation - MoCA is in the process of revising the existing Aircraft Rules and the draft ‘Aircraft Bill 2023’ has been put up to public consultation. There are important changes being proposed in this Bill. Please see the attached documents and send inputs/comments at by 25th June 2023. The last date for submitting comments is 29th June 2023.
    • IBAC Updates - Please see the link for updates on IBAC Attached please find updates received from IBAC With consistent efforts of IBAC, Business/General Aviation (BA/GA) is getting its rightful recognition at ICAO HQ. BA/GA experts are now actively participating in ICAO’s first AAM Study Group formed for the purpose of deciding steps to integrate AAM safely and efficiently into the future global aviation ecosystem, especially for fast-developing drone operations. Please visit the links provided in the updates to further participate in the ongoing discussions on the subject. Members are also requested to visit IBAC store’ online’ to get access to material promoting IBAC.
    • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 17 June 2023

      Update: May, 2023

      • Advisory Group of Small Airlines and Helicopter Operators meeting under the chairmanship of Secretary (CA) - Meeting of HSAAC was held on 3rd May 2023. This meeting, chaired by Secretary CA, was attended by President BAOA. Fractional Ownership of NSOP aircraft was discussed and is being progressed by MOCA for issuing the final CAR by DGCA. AAI is also working on updating, online, the itemised GH charges for smaller aircraft of NSOP/GA. Finalised MOM, when received from MOCA, will be shared with the members.
      • Letter to DG, DGCA on Revision of Aeronautical Tariff for Airport Services – AIC Sl. No. 06/2023 dt. 08 May 2023 - We have written the attached letter to DG DGCA requesting for inclusion of itemised GH charges as part of the tariff for all aeronautical services being offered at non-major public airports in the country. GH services have been included as aeronautical services at airports in the AERA Act and we are aiming for these to be part of AIC issued by DGCA every FY. This matter will be progressed, if required, with MOCA too.
      • RTR examination for pilots being shifted to DGCA - Please refer to the attached letter written by BAOA to HMCA in November 2021 requesting for delegation of RTR license authority from Min of Communication to DGCA. After receiving the letter, HMCA had taken up this issue with Minister of Communication, who issued instructions for this change in February 2022. DGCA will take over this job soon. Further, Federation of Indian Pilots have demanded for this examination to be conducted by senior qualified pilots (FOIs) of DGCA. Please also see the attached letters in this regard.
      • Letter to JDG, DGCA on Suggestions for modification/changes in relevant CARs dt. 10 May 2023 - Feedback points on meeting held in DGCA HQ on 11 April 2023, chaired by DG, DGCA. Please find the attached letter written to DGCA after the meeting was held earlier in DGCA on the issue of rationalisation of training/licensing requirements for smaller aircraft of NSOP. The matter is under review by DGCA and is likely to be discussed again during the next meeting with HMCA.
      • Comment on AERA Consultation Paper No. 02/2023-24 dated 03.05.2023 in the matter of determination of Tariff for Ground Handling Services in respect of M/s Celebi Airport Services India Private Limited (CASIPL) at Manohar International Airport, Mopa Goa for the First Control Period (FY 2023-24 to FY 2027-28) - AERA has issued CP for determining GH charges at MOPA (Goa) airport. Members are requested to send their comments by 25th May 2023. Please see the attached link to open CP 02/2023-24
      • Addendum to AVSEC Order No. 05/2009 - Security Manpower deployment for small aircraft operators and helicopter operations dt. 15 May 2023 - The issue of rationalisation of security manpower for operations of smaller aircraft and helicopters was discussed during the meeting with HMCA on 31st March 2023. Thereafter, meetings were held with DG BCAS and final AVSEC Order has been issued in this regard. BAOA will continue to work for further rationalisation of security-related requirements by approaching MHA too. BCAS now offers more vacancies in AVSEC courses for NSOP/GA operators. Members, still facing problems, on getting vacancies for AVSEC courses, are requested to send email to MD BAOA.
      • IBAC Updates - Please see the link for updates on IBAC Attached please find updates received from IBAC. It is important to note that ICAO is in the process of revising Annex 19 (SMS). Members are requested to send their suggestions, for change/modification in existing Annex 19 on SMS, by 31st May 2023. BAOA will work with IBAC, which has observer status at ICAO, for bringing progressive changes for GA/BA industry in Annex 19.
      • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 18 May 2023

        Update: April, 2023

        • Meeting under the chairmanship of HMCA on Issues related to Helicopter and Small Airlines Accelerated Cell (HSAAC) dt. 31 March 2023 - MD BAOA attended the ‘advisory group’ meeting on small aircraft and helicopters, chaired by HMCA, on 31st March in MoCA. Please see the attached minutes of the meeting issued by the ministry. HMCA has agreed, once again, to take up the issue of rationalisation of import duty on NSOP, as being differentially applied presently, and bring it at par with scheduled operators on the common ‘commercial operations category’. BAOA has already shared the proposed draft letter, in this regard, to be sent to MoF. Members are requested to keep bringing up this issue, of common custom duty and GST for all commercial operations, at all possible platforms to help build the right public opinion for the MoF to finally take the call on treating scheduled/NSOP, alike, in the common commercial category.
        • Waiver of prior parking approval for NSOP/ GA (Fixed Wing) aircraft for import - This matter was brought up, again, as a follow-up of earlier minutes, and MoCA clarified that ‘prior parking approval for fixed wing ac in NSOP category’ is no more a requirement before import of the aircraft. This has been a major issue for many years for NSOP operators and is now, finally addressed. Please see the attached ‘directive’ in this regard for easy reference.
        • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for ‘non-standard parking’ at busy metro airports - DG DGCA confirmed during the meeting in MoCA on 31st March that SOPs for non-standard parking of NSOP/GA aircraft have been approved by the safety regulator for the busy metro airports in the country. These SOPs are part of the approved Airport Manual for these airports. However, it is not considered prudent to post these SOPs on the websites of these airports. Therefore, NSOP/GA operators facing parking issues at any busy airport may seek permission for being allowed to park per the non-standard parking, as approved by DGCA and, given in the ‘airport manual’ of the airport.
        • Publishing itemised GH charges on AAI website for NSOP/GA aircraft - During the meeting with HMCA on 31st March 2023, it was requested that, for effective implementation of MoCA’s directive, issued in September 2022, on giving option of itemised rather than comprehensive GH charges for small aircraft, the approved item-wise GH charges be published on the website of AAI for all public airports. Please see the minutes of the attached meeting, wherein such instructions have been given to AAI. This is, still, a matter under continuous review of BAOA’s governing board. We shall continue to work for GH charges to be item-wise, and reasonable too, for small aircraft of NSOP/GA. Members are requested to keep sharing their actual experiences in this regard at various public airports.
        • Meeting under the chairmanship of Director General on issues relating to the Advisory Group of Small Airlines and Helicopter dt. 11 April 2023 - DG DGCA chaired the meeting of small aircraft operators on 11th April in DGCA HQ. This was follow-up of the meeting with HMCA on 31st March. DGCA requires compiled information in the attached format by the first week of May 2023 on the need to modify/amend/change rules/CARs to facilitate more efficient operations of small aircraft without compromising with safety requirements in any way. Please see the attached format for submitting the information, column-wise to DGCA. Members are requested to send their inputs at by 30the April 2023, positively. Compiled information will be presented to DGCA during May 2023. (Format - ( Issues Defined | How it affects NSOP/GA | Global best practices (FAA/EASA) | Recommendations / Concerned department | Remark )
        • BCAS Committee on policy issues affecting small aircraft and helicopters.- During the consecutive meetings held in BCAS HQ on 13th and 18th April 2023, we have asked for more training slots for NSOP/GA for the AVSEC, initial and recurrent, capsule courses. We have also shared the updated data on NSOP with BCAS. Due to current security scenario in India’s neighbourhood, MoCA and BCAS are not willing to consider any dilution in the current security requirements dictated by MHA.
        • Letter to JS, MoCA on violation of cabotage rule by foreign registered aircraft operating in India dt. 13 April 2023 - Please see the attached letter written to JS (DT) MoCA requesting for strict enforcement of ‘cabotage rule’ on operations of foreign-registered aircraft in India. We have separately approached DGCA to ensure compliance of the CAR applied on foreign-registered aircraft visiting India. Members are requested to remain vigilant in this regard and report any further such violations.
        • IBAC Updates- Please see the attached updates received from IBAC. It is important for our members to maximise benefits of the safety programs conducted by IBAC as members of BAOA get concessional rates for these IS-BAO and IS-BAH flagship courses. Members are requested to encourage their aircrew to acquire the new crew card just launched by IBAC and available at discounted price for BAOA’s members. Please see the below links for easy access.
        • -IBAC Launches New Crew Card – Adds ID90 Travel Perks - April 10, 2023
          -How do I get the Crew Card?

          For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 20 April 2023

          Update: March, 2023

          • Suggestions to MoCA on RCS UDAN Round 5 - MOCA has started preparing for UDAN 5 version of RCS as per NCAP 2016. Ministry had sought suggestions from BAOA regarding thrust areas for UDAN 5. As per inputs received, we have sent the attached letter to MOCA to have much greater use of helicopters for reaching out to the remote and inaccessible areas of the country. Members are requested to examine the suggestions made to MOCA and send further inputs for reference during ‘follow up’ meetings and discussions on UDAN 5 with MOCA.
          • Consultation Meeting (virtual mode) on 07.03.2023 i.r.o. CP no. 16/2022-23 of Lucknow International Airport - MD, BAOA participated in the stakeholder’s consultation meeting on aeronautical charges at Lucknow International Airport. During the meeting, BAOA emphasised on removing all forms of royalties on aeronautical charges at public airports. We shall be sending written comments by 25th March 2023. Members may like to go through CP no. 16/2022-23, available on AERA’s website, and send further specific comments, if any.
          • BizAvIndia Conference 17 March 2023 - BAOA successfully conducted BizAvIndia Conference 2023 at Delhi on 17th March 2023. The Conference was held in Delhi for the first time, discontinuing the practice of holding it in Bengaluru, alongside AERO India. We had good participation from the industry and regulatory authorities during the three sessions, as follows:
          • Session 1: Vision of GA/BA growth in India till 2030: This session had deep dive discussions on prospects of GA/BA industry. Ex Additional Secretary & Senior Economic Advisor, MOCA, Ms Vandana Aggarwal spoke about the recent initiatives being taken for funding of the industry through GIFT city at Ahmedabad. Other participants were, Chief Commercial Officer DIAL, Head of Airbus Helicopters (India & South Asia), Dy CFOI DGCA and, MD BAOA, as moderator. Please see the attached pic
            Session 2: Emerging trends in GA/BA: This session was moderated by Mr Rohit Kapur, President Jet HQ Dubai. The new ‘fractional ownership’ concept, being adopted in India, and currently under finalisation by DGCA, was explained in details by Capt Shanker Manrai, Technical Advisor, HASSC, MOCA.
            Session 3: Planning growth of Helicopter and Turboprops operations:This session had participation of operators from helicopter industry and fixed wing turbo props. Dy CFOI Helicopters of DGCA spoke about the regulatory changes, under consideration, to optimise use of helicopters in HEMS and other relief/important missions

            For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 20 March 2023

            Update: February, 2023

            • VC meeting under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary, MoCA on Issues related to Helicopter and Small Airlines Accelerated Cell (HSAAC) dt. 17 Feb 2023 - The new Joint Secretary, Mr Asanga Chuba Ao, chaired meeting of HASSC on 17th February with stakeholders of the industry. Issues like defence pilots license relevant to helicopter flying in civil and easy conversion to CHPL; Defence AME licensing; Heli tourism etc were discussed during this meeting. The finalised minutes of this meeting, when received from MoCA, would be shared with the members.
            • Meeting under the Chairmanship of Secretary, Civil Aviation to discuss Fractional Ownership Model Guidelines - Secretary CA held meeting on the proposed ‘fractional ownership model’ for NSOP on 10th February in Rajeev Gandhi Bhavan. It is expected that necessary final CAR in this regard is going to be drafted soon by DGCA to kick-start this model formally in India. Various aspects of this model, from perspective of MoF and MCA have already been taken care by MoCA.
            • Letter to JS, MoCA on Security Clearance for new/change in Directors of Private Aircraft Operators (Public Listed Companies), already having security cleared directors at the time of initial import - After due consultations with the affected GA operators, the attached letter has been sent by BAOA to MoCA to rationalise the requirements of ‘security clearance’ while making any change in the existing director or appointing new director in a GA company operated by corporates. This letter will be followed up during the next meeting of HASSC.
            • IBAC POC meeting in Austin, TX, 16-17 February - MD BAOA participated in the meeting of Policy & Operations Committee (POC) of IBAC on 16/17th February in Austin US. The issue of five stage certification process on acquisition of new aircraft on GA aircraft, as applied on airlines, was discussed in detail during review of IBAC’s flagship ISBAO program. It has been proposed to include optimal certification process, as followed by FAA/EASA, for GA industry to be part of special additional package of ISBAO program. This will be progressed with IBAC. Members are advised to adopt ISBAO program, especially for efficient induction and operations of advanced and ultra long range business jets.
            • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 22 February 2023

              Update: January, 2023

              • Input to FICCI on Taxation structure BA/GA industry - Members are aware of the query received from Ministry of Commerce, through MoCA, regarding measures to decrease import and increase exports – ‘an annual exercise undertaken by the government before the budget each year. In this regard, BAOA has sent the attached mail to FICCI for compiling industry’s inputs. Further, BAOA has sent a similar request to Ministry of Finance for rationalization the ‘Custom Duty’ and GST applicable to GA/BA industry for supporting the optimal growth of small aircraft industry in India.
              • Comment on Draft Revision to CAR Section 7 Series J Part IV on FDTL - As intimated in the last month’s updates, BAOA has submitted comments on the draft CAR for reviewing FDTL. After receiving BAOA’s inputs, DGCA asked for meeting to discuss our comments. The follow up meeting with DGCA took place in CFOI office early this month. Thereafter, BAOA submitted the attached additional comments on the draft FDTL CAR. The final CAR is expected to be issued by the end of this months. More inputs from members are welcome.
              • Comment on Draft Revision to CAR Section 8, Series S, Part I, Issue II - EDTO - Please see the attached comments submitted by BAOA on ‘Threshold Time’ applicable to NSOP operators in the EDTO CAR. Our approach has been to follow the best global practices and the ‘Threshold Limits’ prescribed in the Aircraft Manual by the OEMs. It would be advisable that, members doing regular international flying, should apply to DGCA for ‘Threshold Time’ approval, specific to their individual company’s international operations, after ensuring all the regulatory requirements are complied with in this regard.
              • Letter to JS, DT MoCA on appointment of Directors for Private (GA) Operator - Please see the attached letter written to Joint Secretary MoCA regarding BCAS officials at some regional offices applying directive on appointment / change of ‘Company’s Directors’, meant only for commercial operations, to the non-commercial (GA) operators too. We propose to follow up this letter and discuss this issue during the next meeting of Helicopers & Small Aircraft Acceleration Cell (HSAAC), being planned for February 2023.
              • Web Meeting on the proposed projects at Thiruvananthapuram International Airport, Kerala dt. 23 January 2023 - Intimation has been received from Airport Director Thiruvananthapuram International Airport on the stakeholders meeting planned to be held on 23rd Jan 2023. The proposed development project at the airport will be discussed during this web meeting. Web link for the e-meeting will be shared with the members immediately after we receive it from the Airport Director. Members, especially the ones, using the airport regularly, are requested to join the web meeting and send pripor intimation regarding their participation at
              • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer to mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 20 January 2023

                Update: December, 2022

                • Issues to be discussions during next meeting of Advisory Group on small aircraft chaired by HMCA- It has been indicated by MoCA that the next meeting of Advisory Group on small aircraft, chaired by HMCA, would be held in the near future. BAOA has, accordingly, sent the attached letter on the issues we propose to take up during this meeting, while seeking expeditious ‘follow up’ action on the previously discussed issues. Members are requested to go through the attached letter and suggest any additional points or further inputs on the issues listed, therein.
                • Meeting with HMCA dt. 19 Dec 2022. MD BAOA had meeting in MoCA with HMCA and Secretary CA on 19th December 2022- A short presentation was given to the Hon’ble Minister on the present status of the implementation of ‘fractional ownership model for NSOP operations, guidelines for which were recently issued by MoCA. As per directions given by HMCA and Secretary CA, we are in the process of preparing draft implementation mechanism in accordance with the existing financial and safety regulations. Members would be kept apprised of the further progress in this regard.
                • Comments on draft FDTL issued by DGCA- As per the inputs received so far, comments have been prepared, on behalf of members, on the draft CAR, issued last month, by DGCA on FDTL. Our aim has been to ensure optimal utilisation of the small aircraft and long/ultra long range business jets capable of inter-continental operations, without compromising with safety. Members are requested to go through the draft comments and send their inputs by 26th December 2022 for timely submission of final comments from BAOA side to DGCA.
                • Letter to DG, DGCA on Rationlisation of Training & Licensing Requirements for PIC Endorsement- Members may please recall that rationalisation of training and licensing requirements for aircrew, and PIC endorsement, has been a consistent subject for ongoing discussions with DGCA, to align our safety regulations with the best global practices. BAOA had earlier written to DGCA on this issue in May 2022. We have, again, written the attached letter to DGCA with updated inputs. This issue has also been listed for discussion in the next Advisory Group meeting under the chairpersonship of HMCA. Members would be duly notified when the meeting on NSOP/GA issues takes place in DGCA.
                • BizAvIndia conference in March at Delhi- Members of the ‘governing board’ recently decided, during the VC meeting, to hold the next ‘BizAvIndia Conference 2023’ in Delhi, instead of Bengaluru, as planned earlier. The BizAvIndia conference has now been planned for March 2023. Accordingly, we have made request to the office of HMCA for indicating suitable date for the Hon’ble Minister to be the Chief Guest for the conference, which will be followed by networking dinner. The final date will be informed to the members, next month, after confirmation is received from HMCA’s office. The theme of the BizAvIndia Coference 2023 is ‘Emerging opportunities for BA as India leads G20 nations during 2023 : Navigating the Future of Business and General Aviation in India’.
                • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 22 December 2022

                  Update: November, 2022

                  • HSAAC Meeting at MoCA on 15 November 2022 - The monthly meeting of ‘Helicopter & Small Aircraft Acceleration Cell’ (HSAAC) was held on 15 November 2022 with MoCA. MD, BAOA participated in the meeting along with other stakeholders and ministry officials. The following issues were discussed for further progress:-
                  • a) Issues concerning VIPs flying on single-engine helicopters
                    b) Approval of roof-top helipads – DGCA to be made nodal agency for all related clearances
                    c) Upgradation of Heli-Sewa
                    d) Any teething issues concerning ‘fractional ownership’
                    e) BCAS issues concerning small aircraft
                    f) FATA for ‘aerial work’

                    While BAOA is engaged in regular ‘follow-up’ on all the above issues, members are requested to give their additional inputs on these and, suggest fresh issues to be taken up in HSAAC meeting to be held in December 2022 under the chairpersonship of HMCA.

                  • Security related issues for GA for consideration of BCAS - As a follow-up of the discussions in HSAAC, we have written the attached letter to DG, BCAS regarding security-related issues being faced by GA (Private) operators in India. These issues are proposed to be discussed in the ‘Advisory Group’ meeting with the Hon’ble Minister of CA (HMCA) next month. Further inputs from members are welcome.
                  • Letter to MoCA on regulating FATA for ‘aerial work’ - This issue was discussed in the last meeting of ‘Advisory Group’ with HMCA in September 2022. DGCA had stated that the initial FATA for ‘aerial work’ is being given for six months. However, the issue, yet to be addressed, is of task-based involvement of both P1 & P2 in the specialized work undertaken. The attached letter has been written to MoCA to get this pending issue addressed. Members may please give further inputs, if so required.
                  • Letter to Chairman, AERA Reasonable & Affordable Airport (Aeronautical) and GH Services Charges at GA Terminal, CSMIA / Public Airports - As a follow-up of the ongoing correspondence regarding the recent increase of General Aviation Terminal (GAT) charges at CSMIA, Mumbai, BAOA has written a detailed letter (attached) to chairman AERA, with a copy to MoCA. We are making consistent efforts to rationalise all airport charges applied on NSOP/GA industry by the airport operator. Further inputs in this regard are solicited.
                  • Comment on AERA CP 10/2022-23 regarding aeronautical tariff at SVPIA, Ahmedabad & CP 11/2022-23 regarding GH charges for BWFSIPL at Cochin International Airport, Cochin- Please see the two attached letters written to AERA with comments on the Consultation Paper (CP) issued by the ‘authority’ for determining MYTP for public airports, under PPP model, at Ahmedabad and Cochin. We have sought rationalisation of itemised charges, applicable on small aircraft, as per state-wise labour rates, for the semi-skilled/skilled ‘ground handling services’. Members are also requested to participate in AUCC meeting, being conducted by airport operators, at their main base of operations.
                  • BizAvIndia conference on 2nd Feb 2023 at Bengaluru - All our members, especially the large corporate members, are requested to support efforts to maxamise sponsorship for the next annual event, BizAvIndia 2023 on 2nd Feb 2023 at Bengaluru. Please see the attached browser inviting sponsorship for the event. Members are also requested to suggest an appropriate theme for the event like, ‘Aiming for 500 civil helicopters in the next 5 years’, ‘BA/GA growth in India through fractional ownership’, ‘Growing number of ultra-range BA jets in India’ etc OR any other search theme.
                  • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 23 November 2022

                    Update: October, 2022

                    • Final directive on Itemised charges on GH Services to small aircraft - As the members must have been aware, BAOA has been fighting with all the concerned authorities for prescribing itemized ‘ground handling charges’, in addition to the, hitherto, only the ‘comprehensive charges’ option being given to small aircraft of NSOP/GA, at public airports. In this connection, the ‘final order’ was issued by MoCA, giving directions to all the AAI airports and AERA. Please see the attached order for information and necessary action by all the operators of small aircraft ‘below 5700kgs’, in the NSOP/GA category. As a follow up of MoCA’s directive, AAI has also issued its own directive, to give option of itemized charges for small aircraft, to all its ‘airport directors’. Please also see the attached ‘circular’ issued by the AAI. All the operators in NSOP/GA category are requested to show these ‘directives’ to the concerned airport operators in case of insistence on paying the, earlier prescribed, the only option of ‘comprehensive charges’. Feedback in this regard is requested from our members.
                    • Formal announcement on Fractional Ownership made by HMCA - BAOA has been working on the ‘fractional ownership’ for NSOP category with MoCA, on the lines of FAA – 91-K regulations, for the last one year. After due consultations with DGCA and MoCA, the guidelines for ‘fractional ownership’ for NSOP aircraft in India, were shared with MoF / MCA. The final policy guidelines on ‘fractional ownership’ was announced by HMCA during the Helicopter Summit at Srinagar (J&K) on 10th October 2022. Please see the attached guidelines on ‘fractional ownership’ that were formally handed over to MD, BAOA by HMCA during the summit at Srinagar. Please also see the attached picture taken during the occasion of handing over the ‘guidelines on ‘fractional ownership’. Now, we, all, to move forward along with the ministry and DGCA, in this regard by addressing, together, any teething problems faced during the initial phase of implementation.
                    • 4th Heli-India Summit on 10th October 2022, at Srinagar - Secretary CA, chaired the ‘technical session’ during the Helicopter Summit on 10th October 2022 at Srinagar (J&K). During this session, participated by most of the leading helicopter OEMs and operators, many issues, affecting sustainable / optimal growth of helicopters in India, especially in the hilly terrain, were brought up. Secretary CA agreed to convene a separate session, on the regulatory issues, in the presence of DGCA’s officials. Please see the attached ‘gist of issues’, brought out by one of the leading helicopter operator, for any additional comments / inputs. There is likely to be a meeting in DGCA, during early November 2022, to discuss all these issues. Members are requested to send their comments / inputs by 31st October 2022, positively.
                    • BAOA AGM- 12 held on 14th October 2022 - Our 12th AGM was held on 14th October 2022 at Roseate House Aerocity New Delhi. Mr. Sudhir Nayak resigned as President, due to personal reasons, just a week before the AGM. Therefore, the ‘governing board’ of BAOA had met a day before the 12th AGM and unanimously elected Col. Ajay Shah as the new President of BAOA. The 12th AGM was addressed by the new President. Members are requested to see the attached MOM of the 12th AGM of BAOA and send their comments, if any. Going forward, greater participation from our members is solicited in AGMs and BizAvIndia Conference. Members are requested to make sure of full participation, along with senior members of their respective teams, during the next BizAvIndia Conference at Bengaluru on 2nd February 2023.
                    • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 22 October 2022

                      Update: September, 2022

                      • HSAAC Meeting with HMCA on 1st September & ‘follow up’ meeting with Addl. Secretary MoCA on 2nd September - We had the long-overdue meeting of HSAAC with the Hon’ble Minister CA on 1st September 2022. All pending issues were discussed and a further course of action was decided as part of govt’s aim to ensure last-mile connectivity. ‘Follow up’ meeting on some issues, decided for immediate action, was held the next day, chaired by Addl. Secretary MoCA. While the minutes of the meeting with HMCA is getting finalized, we have received the attached minutes of the ‘follow up’ meeting held on 2nd September. Members are requested to go through the minutes of the meeting to understand the progress being made on important issues like GH charges for small aircraft and ‘fractional ownership’. MoCA is planning to open a ‘separate cell’ within the ministry for regular and meaningful interaction with BAOA.
                      • Determination of GH charges by AERA at CSMIA, Mumbai - Please see the attached comments sent in response to Consultation Paper (CP) issued by AERA to determine the GH charges at CSMIA, Mumbai. We continue to insist on the option of item-wise charges, being also prescribed, in addition to the only ‘comprehensive charges’ being mentioned in the existing AERA orders. This matter has been followed up with Chairperson AERA, as telephonically requested by AERA’s officials.
                      • Decision of CIC on RTI Application filed for seeking information on penal parking charges at MIAL - MD, BAOA had approached Central Information Commission (CIC) for directing AERA to share the ‘information on file’, leading to the unexplained reason for continuing with the previous order on levying ‘penal parking charges’ on NSOP/GA aircraft, even in its latest order effective till 2024. Please see the attached order recently issued by CIC on the support of our plea, giving necessary directions to AERA.
                      • Workshop on Aircraft leasing & financing on 23 September 2022 - Please see the attached invitation received by MD, BAOA to participate in the workshop on ‘aircraft leasing & financing’ being organised by the ministry on 23rd September. Members desirous of participating in this ‘workshop’ are requested to send an email at by 22nd September 2022.
                      • Letter to Head Commercial, CSMIA for convening stakeholders meeting - We are pursuing the matter regarding unilateral revision of charges at GA Terminal of CSMIA by Head Commercial Adani Group, operating the facility. It has been suggested that a meeting with stakeholders be organized soon to discuss the existing charges and any need to revise them. Members, using the facility of the GA Terminal at Mumbai, are requested to ‘follow up’ the attached letter with a letter from their respective companies asking Head Commercial to discuss the issue with the stakeholders, soon. BAOA is also following up this matter with AERA for necessary advice/intervention.
                      • Meeting in MoCA regarding ‘Heal in India’ initiative of GOI - MD BAOA participated in the meeting held with officials of ‘Ministry of Health’ in Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan on 16th Sep to discuss role of ‘Air Ambulance’ services, as value addition, to the latest initiative of GOI, ‘Heal in India’. All the members operating Ambulance services, certified by DGCA, are requested to share details of their experience and capability to operate ‘ambulance flights’ in India/ ‘neighbouring countries’, with MD BAOA by 30th September 2022. Please include the further expansion plans separately along with existing ongoing operations.
                      • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 19 September 2022

                        Update: August, 2022

                        • Round Table Conference of CEOs with HMCA on 23rd August 2022 - Six members of BAOA Governing Board, and MD, participated in a round table conference with the Hon’ble Minister of Civil Aviation on 23rd August 2022 at Hotel Taj Mansingh in New Delhi. Most of the aviation companies were represented by their top officials at this round table conference. While thanking HMCA for the progress on the ‘fractional ownership’ proposal, BAOA requested for the formation of sub-groups of domain experts including regulatory representatives, as part of the ‘advisory committee’ to meaning fully addressing issues needing progressive and forward-looking approach, like FATA for aerial work and induction of ultra long range business in India. HMCA has kindly agreed to the proposal.
                        • HSAAC meeting with MoCA on 15th July and 08th August 2022 - The meeting of Helicopter & Small Aircraft Acceleration Cell (HSAAC) is being held regularly between MoCA & stakeholders of the industry. Since the last updates, two monthly meetings of the HSAAC have been held on 15th July & 08th August. Attached please find the minutes of the meeting held on 15th July. The MOM of the meeting on 08th August will be shared with the next updates. Members are requested to closely examine the issues discussed therein and send their valuable inputs/comments on all the ongoing issues, as well as share ideas with MD on the fresh issues to be taken up in HSAAC. This cell is headed by the Additional Secretary of MoCA and monitored by HMCA himself. We are progressing important issues like Fractional Ownership in NSOP and GH charges for small aircraft in HSAAC.
                        • VC meeting with Chairperson AERA on 22 August on CP 07/2022-23 for determinating aeronautical tariff for Mangalore International Airport - MD, BAOA, participated in the VC meeting organised by AERA for determining the aeronautical tariff (MYTP) at Mangalore for the next five years. We have emphasised the requirements for prescribing itemised or menu-driven charges for smaller aircraft in the NSOP category, alongside the comprehensive tariff being decided by AERA. This matter is being progressed.
                        • Letter to Additional Secretary MoCA on GH charges for smaller aircraft in NSOP/GA category - BAOA continues to make all the possible efforts to get fair deal for GA/BA industry on levying of ‘GH charges’ by the airport operators or its agencies (Independent Service Providers, ISP). In this regard, another letter has been written to Addln. Secretary, MoCA. This letter has been followed up. Members will be kept apprised of the further steps in the future updates. In the meantime, it is requested that additional inputs, if any, in this regard, may please be shared with MD BAOA.
                        • Letter to Head Commercial, CSMIA regarding revision of GA Terminal charges - Attached please find the letter written to Head-Commercial of, CSMIA at Mumbai airport. We have asked them to review their action of unilaterally revising these aeronautical services charges at GA Terminal, without the approval of AERA. The matter is also being discussed with AERA and it has been learnt that two of metro airports, operating in PPP model, have approached the court for treating GH charges as non-aeronautical per OMDA. BAOA is coordinating with AERA in this regard in view of the provisions in AERA Act, wherein GH services have been defined as aeronautical. Members are requested, once again, to share their view/inputs in this regard.
                        • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 24 August 2022

                          Update: July, 2022

                          • VC Meeting of HSAAC, chaired by Ms. Usha Padhee, JS, MoCA on 24th June 2022- The newly formed Helicopter & Small Aircraft Acceleration Cell (HSAAC) had a detailed meeting under the chairpersonship of Ms. Usha Pahdee, JS MoCA, on 24th June 2022. Attached minutes of the meeting have just been received from MoCA. Members are requested to pay particular attention to 1, 3 & 4 of the minutes regarding the issues raised by BAOA during the meeting. Members operating helicopters should also pay attention to 'night VFR' using NVIS issue listed at 6.
                          • Meeting of ASSOCHAM National Council on Civil Aviation & Airport Infrastructure - MD, BAOA participated in the first meeting of National Aviation Committee of ASSOCHAM on 1st July 2022. It was decided to hold 'round table meeting' with HMCA on 29th July 2022 involving MDs/CEOs of leading members of the Council. MD, BAOA will be participating in this 'round table meeting'. Members are requested to send suggestions, regarding the most important issues to be taken up at the level of our minister, by 25th July 2022.
                          • Letter to Chairman, AAI on ADS-B Data for RVSM approval dt. 23 June 2022 - BAOA has been following up on the issue of RVSM approval, for GA/BA aircraft, registered in India, based on data available with land based radars of AAI and, without involving MAAR at Bangkok. In this regard, another letter has been sent to chairman AAI, as attached. Members are welcome to send further suggestions in this regard.
                          • Recent Gazette Notification of Aircraft licensing - MoCA has issued Gazette Notification (G.S.R. 520 E) on 6th July 2022 regarding draft Aircraft Rules, amending some of the existing provisions in Aircraft Rules. One important part of this Gazette Notification is increasing validity of aircrew license from 'five to ten' years. However, it has associated issues needing well informed comments from operators. Inputs received in this regard from some members have been compiled in this attached draft letter prepared for submission to MoCA/DGCA. Members are requested to examine this Gazette Notification thoroughly and send additional inputs in this regard by 25th July 2022, positively.
                          • Determination of Ground Handling (GH) charges by AERA at Delhi - Attached is the Consultation paper (CP No. 05/2022-23) recently issued by AERA as part of its function to determine GH charges at Delhi, provided by the concessionaire (BWFS) for the FY 2021-22 to FY 2025-26. Members are requested to ask their experts in GH services to examine this CP for submitting comments in this regard to AERA. It is opined that we should ask for itemised GH charges for small aircraft (below 5700 kgs), up to 9 seater, in NSOP/GA category, not the comprehensive charges suggested in CP, to ensure small aircraft operators pay only for the services actually required or asked for. Please share your comments by 25th July 2022.
                          • ICAO Carbon Emissions Calculators - Please refer the attached email received by BAOA from ICAO. There is a new methodology developed by ICAO to calculate the CO2 emissions, from air travel, for use in offset programs. This applies the best publicity available industry data to account for various factors such as aircraft types, route-specific data, passengers load factors and cargo carried. Members are requested to share their comments on, practical and real-time, utility of this online tool.
                          • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 13 July 2022

                            Update: June, 2022

                            • Reconstitution of HSAAC Steering Committee - Members are requested to go through the letter received from Ministry of Civil Aviation asking for re-nomination of members from BAOA for the reconstituted ‘Steering Committee’ of experts for achieving accelerated growth of Small aircraft & Helicopter industry in India. Members of this ‘Steering Committee’ are now being asked to sign ‘confidentiality agreement’, which is indicative of the importance ministry attaches to the functioning of this ‘Steering Committee’. BAOA has nominated its President and MD to be part of the Committee.
                            • Meeting chaired by MS Usha Padhee, JS MoCA on Helicopter and Business Jets (GA/BA) Issues on 21st May 2022 - MD BAOA attended the meeting of MoCA chaired by Ms. Usha Padhee, JS. The meeting, inter alia, discussed the issue of ‘induction of ultra-long range business jets in India’ and associated challenges. It was decided that BAOA would give presentation to HMCA on all the associated issues with GA/BA growth, while being focused on ‘ultra-long range business jets’. The draft presentation is getting ready after receiving the required inputs from experts available with BAOA’s member. Please send any suggestions in this regard to MD, ASAP, or by 26th June 2022.
                            • Draft minutes of the meeting held on 24th May 2022 chaired by JDG, DGCA- DGCA held meeting in DGCA’s HQ on 24th May 2022, with representatives from BAOA to discuss some urgent industry issues. This meeting was coordinated by Capt. Valsy of IRM industry and chaired by Mr. Ravi Krishna, JDG. Members are requested to go through the ‘draft minutes of the meeting’ shared with DGCA. The draft minutes contain some of the issues concerning interpretation of current regulations and clarification sought by BAOA, thereon. Members are requested to go through the draft and share their own experience in this regard and additional inputs, if any, ASAP.
                            • Issues of GA/BA sent to MoCA for the next meeting with HMCA- BAOA received letter from MoCA asking for issues to be send immediately for possible meeting with HMCA, at a short notice. Please see the letter received from MoCA and the list of issues BAOA sent, the next day, in response.
                            • Letter to Chairperson AAI on sharing ADS-B date with MAAR, Bangkok - In pursuance of the representation received from members, BAOA wrote the letter to Chairperson AAI asking for ground-based radar data to be shared with MAAR of Bangkok to avoid unnecessary spending on flight testing conducted by MAAR to certify GA/BA aircraft for RVSM air space. This matter is being closely followed up with AAI and update would be provided in the next month.
                            • Update on progress of fractional ownership of aircraft for NSOP operations - BAOA is in constant touch with officials of all the three involved ministries (MoCA, MCA & MoFin) with regard to issue of ‘final directive’ on fractional ownership of aircraft to be operated under NSOP. BAOA is being represented in the inter-ministerial committee to draft the ‘directive’ on ‘fractional ownership’. It is hoped the matter would be finalized in the next couple of months.
                            • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 20 June 2022

                              Update: May, 2022

                              • Letter to DGCA (CFOI & JDG) for rationalisation of Training & Licensing Requirement - Letter written to DGCA (FSD) for changes required in existing training requirements for grant of PIC status to aircrew. This is an ongoing issue with DGCA and, also, with MoCA. Members are requested to go through the final Five recommendations given in the letter to DGCA and send their comments/inputs, if any. We shall take up this issue again in stakeholders meeting at DGCA and subsequently in ‘advisory group’ meeting with HMCA.
                              • Letter to DG, DGCA on AMT - BAOA has written the letter to DGCA for revisiting the existing provision given in CAR on AMT. The existing provisions create regulatory issues for carrying of organs/tissues/blood etc. We have requested for CAR’s provisions to be specific, only for carrying of patients. Please send additional inputs for further discussions on the issue with DGCA/MoCA.
                              • Parking issues for NSOP/GA aircraft taken up with MoCA - As already intimated, BAOA had raised the issue of waiving the ‘prior parking approval’ requirement for import of NSOP/GA aircraft. It has been intimated by DGCA through MoCA that ‘prior parking approval’ for import of helicopter is no more required. Email sent to DGCA, with copy to MoCA, that similar directive is required to issued for fixed-wing aircraft in NSOP/GA category. Further, the other issue of ‘non-standard parking’ for NSOP/GA aircraft at busy airports, for maximizing the parking slots, is also being addressed by DGCA’s directive to ‘airport operators’ to include ‘non-standard parking SoP’ for NSOP/GA as part of ‘airport operating manual’ for approval by DGCA. Both these issues have been taken up at the level of HMCA.
                              • Comments on AERA’s Consultation Paper (CP 01/2022-23) on Aeronautical (GH) charges at Thiruvananthapuram International Airport - BAOA has sent the comments on AERA’s CP (01/2022-23) for deciding aeronautical tariff at Thiruvananthapuram. It has been pointed out in our comments that prescribing just the ‘comprehensive charges’, for GH services, at the airport is resulting in disproportionately high GH charges being levied on small aircraft having limited ‘ground handling’ requirements. Members would be intimated regarding stakeholders VC meeting to be organized by AERA later in May/June 2022 to discuss all the comments received. Members are requested to participate in the meeting to express their view directly to Chairperson AERA.
                              • Steering Committee at MoCA on NSOP/GA - MoCA has decided to form a ‘Steering Committee’ of industry experts to deliberate and progress the issues involved. BAOA has sent the letter to MoCA as per the requirements indicated.
                              • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 13 May 2022

                                Update: April, 2022

                                • Letter to JS(UP) for ‘follow up’ action on GH charges issue raised with HMCA - BAOA continues to work on rationalising ‘ground handling charges’ for smaller aircraft of NSOP/GA category. After raising this issue in the ‘advisory group’ meeting with HMCA, we have continued to monitor progression of this matter to its logical conclusion for ‘menu-driven’ or ‘optional’ arrangements at public airports. Please see tha attached letter written to MoCA in this regard.
                                • Letter to MoCA for AoR waiver for NSOP and treatment at par with SCA- The issue of AoR for NSOP at civil enclaves of defence airfields, is likely to get addressed soon. MoCA has taken up this issue with MoD and we are awaiting final directive of MoD, soon. .
                                • Letter to DGCA (CFOI) regarding induction of new / advanced BA aircraft in India- BAOA has received the requests from OEMs to address the issue of smooth induction of new, technologically advanced, BA aircraft in India. After duly receiving inputs of OEMs, the letter has been written to DGCA (CFOI) to examine the issues involved and address them collaboratively with participation of all the stakeholders of the industry. We welcome further inputs in this regard from all our members, including foreign associate members.
                                • Letter to MoCA on ‘follow up’ action regarding parking issues for NSOP/GA Aircraft - We have written the Letter to MoCA (JS) regarding the directives to be issued on ‘getting prior parking permission from AAI’ before import of NSOP/GA aircraft into India. Further, for ease of NSOP/GA flight operations to busy metro airports, DGCA’s approval of SOPs for non-standard parking at these congested airfields has also been requested to be shared with the industry soon.
                                • Letter to DG, DGCA on ‘flight clearance for foreign-registered aircraft’ belonging to Indian multinational corporates- Letter written to DG DGCA asking for further update on this issue taken up in the stakeholders meeting held in Nov 2021 at DGCA. Further inputs, if any, from members, in this regard are welcome.
                                • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 19 April 2022

                                  Update: March, 2022

                                  • BizAvIndia Conference and Networking Dinner on 23rd March 2022 at the Park, Hyderabad:- All our members are requested to attend the forthcoming BizAvIndia Conference and Networking Dinner on 23rd March at The Park Hyderabad. Invitation has already been sent individually to CEOs and Company Heads. Please send your confirmation at, if not done already. This physical conference is taking place after a gap of two years and we look forward to meeting most of you during this occasion.
                                  • Letter to Chairman, AAI on Itemised GH Charges at AAI Airports for smaller NSOP/GA Aircraft dt. 15 March 2022:- Attached please find letter written by BAOA to Chairman AAI regarding GH charges being applied on small aircraft at public airports. This issue has already been taken up in the Advisory Group meeting on small aircraft headed by the HMCA. Members are requested to share more information on their experience of being forced to pay high ‘comprehensive charges’ for ground handling at public airports to help us put up a strong case in the next meeting.
                                  • Letter to Chairman, AAI on Request for major structural repair of AAI hangars at Juhu Airport dt. 15 March 2022:- BAOA has taken up the issue of AAI ensuring structural strength of maintenance hangars being rented out to NSOP/GA operators. Operators are advised to ensure that, in all the signed agreements with hangar owners, major maintenance and structural repairs remain the responsibility of the AAI only. All affected members are requested to share their own experience in this regard.
                                  • Letter to Chairman, AAI on Waiving Penal Interest on deferred payment of hangar rental during the lockdown period of Covid dt. 15 March 2022:- We have again raised the issue of penal interest being unfairly charged to our members for deferred payment of the hangar rentals during the lockdown period due to Covid. Please see the attached letter written to Chairman AAI in this regard. This issue is likely to come up again during the next meeting of the Advisory Group on small aircraft matters. Members are requested to share further inputs/ views in this regard.
                                  • Letter to Mrs. Usha Padhee, Joint Secretary, MoCA on Specific Provision for FATA issued for Aerial Work dt. 15 March 2022:- In view of no further intimation on MOCA’s directions to DGCA regarding FATA for ‘aerial work’, BAOA has requested MOCA to progress the matter with the regulator. Please see the attached letter written to JS of MOCA in this regard. Members will be kept updated on this issue.
                                  • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 21 March 2022

                                    Update: February, 2022

                                    • Meeting (VC) with minister to discuss Fractional Ownership of aircraft on 15th February 2022 :- As already intimated, BAOA has been discussing the ‘aircraft fractional ownership’ concept with MOCA to achieve sustainable growth of GA/BA industry and reduce cost of owning the costly aircraft asset for the individual companies. In this regard, a meeting (VC) was held with the Hon’ble Minister of Civil Aviation on 15th February. The meeting was also attended by Secretary CA and DG DGCA. As per directions given by HMCA during the meeting, a working group is being formed by MOCA for stepwise progress the matter with all the concerned ministries in a time-bound manner. BAOA remains actively involved in the matter and members would be regularly updated on further progress.
                                    • Letter from MoCA to DGCA on FATA regulation in respect of Helicopter Aerial Applications dt. 25 January 2022:- Please see the attached letter written by MOCA to DGCA regarding the issue of FATA for ‘aerial work’ in India. The letter is supportive of our plea that FATA, in case of aerial work, should be considered on a case to case basis and, not in the general category of ‘air transport operations’. Further, FATA for aerial work to also allow flying both as captain & copilot to help Indian PIC gain valuable experience in these specialized operations.
                                    • DGCA’s note regarding use of single engine helicopters for VVIP operations:- MOCA has shared the attached ‘note’ prepared by DGCA regarding use of single/twin engine helicopter for VIP flights. It recommends consideration of performance criteria in accordance of ICAO Annex 6 Part III for deciding use of the appropriate machine, single or twin engine, for the carriage of VIP keeping in mind the performance class of the helicopter and operating conditions. Members are requested to study the ‘note’ and send their comments/opinions, as appropriate.
                                    • FDTL’s CAR application for Split duty:- Recently, some operators have experienced difficulties regarding split duty applicability of the FDTL CAR Section 7 Series J Part 4. The matter was referred to DGCA for clarification, as FDTL violation is being shown for two landings while it seems fine with three landings. As per our discussions with DGCA, this is due to software glitches. Members facing similar difficulties are requested to approach the service provider for the FDTL software to address the issue.
                                    • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 26 February 2022

                                      Update: January, 2022

                                      • Meeting under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Usha Padhee, JS, MoCA with BAOA Rep. and DGCA to discuss GA/BA Issues dt. 18 January 2022 :- MOCA conducted meeting with BAOA and DGCA to discuss fresh and pending issues concerning NSOP/GA/BA industry. Attached are the minutes of the meeting issued by MOCA. Members are requested to note that long pending issues like AOR, EDTO limit are going to be resolved soon. The issue of making cabin crew requirement optional, for NSOP aircraft of 19 and below seats, is requiring further inputs. Members are requested to send specific inputs in this regard mentioning the number of affected aircraft in their respective fleet and the expected benefits for achieving operational efficiency/reliability by exercising the option of not carrying the cabin crew.
                                      • GH charges on NSOP/GA aircraft :- Members are requested to refer to item ‘h’ of the minutes of VC meeting with MOCA and the attached letter issued by AAI for rationalising the 'revenue share’ on GH charges. The legal matter of GH services, being provided by GHAs at public airports, is already under considering of Delhi High Court and, AAI continues to refer to these GHAs as Non-entitled Entities (NEEs). AAI has, pending final disposal of the legal case in Delhi High Court, standardised ‘revenue share’ as 15% for NSOP/GA all AAI airports. Members using GH services from NEEs are requested to read para 4 & 5 of the attached AAI letter and adhere to the conditions mentioned therein when effecting payment. Further, members should ask for the letter from AAI/AERA authorising GH charges at each airport before making the payment. BAOA is working on rationalising GH charges and inputs on authorised charges at each public airport would be of much help in this regard.
                                      • Letter to Secretary, MoCA FATA regulation in respect of Helicopter Aerial Applications dt. 31 December 2021 :- BAOA has written the attached letter to Secretary MOCA for rationalising the requirement of FATA issued for ‘aerial work’ as these operations are specialised and not to be clubbed with passenger transportation. This matter is being pursued with DGCA (Helicopter Cell) further after being discussed in the VC meeting with MOCA on 18th January 2022. Members will be keep updated on further progress in the matter.
                                      • Final Draft Report submitted to DGCA, on Fractional Aircraft Ownership in India :- As intimated in the last updates, ‘committee’ formed by DGCA on ‘fractional ownership of aircraft in India’, having three members from BAOA, started working immediately and, after many rounds of discussions, submitted draft ‘report’ on 12th January 2022. This ‘report’ would be finally considered by HMCA for further necessary action.
                                      • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 24 January 2022

                                        Update: December, 2021

                                        • 2nd Meeting of Advisory Group on Safety and Security :- The 2nd meeting of the Advisory Group on safety & security, constituted by MOCA, was held on 30th November 2021 under the chairpersonship of the new Secretary CA. MD BAOA participated in the meeting and apprised chairperson on the attached four issues needing attention and implementation. The next meeting is expected to be held by 15th January 2022. Members are requested to suggest safety and security related issues needing changes/amendment in existing CARs or Aircraft Rules/Regulations for the next meeting.
                                        • Constitution of Committee on Fractional Ownership of aircraft in India :- BAOA had taken up the need to kickstart fractional ownership concept in India by issuing Directive/CAR for the same by MOCA/DGCA. This issue was raised with HMCA during the meeting held last month, which has now been followed up by a committee being constituted by DGCA earlier this month to examine the issue in details and suggest the way forward. Please refer the attached ‘order’ issued for constitution of the committee which has three members from BAOA in it. The report of the committee has to be finalized within a month. Members would be kept updated on the further progress, next month.
                                        • Meeting in MoCA on Helicopter operations and Heli-sewa portal held on 02.12.2021 :- MOCA is in the process of launching ‘Helisewa’ portal by 1st January 2022. In this regard, a meeting was held under the chairpersonship of Joint Secretary MOCA on 2nd December 2021. Helisewa is aimed at facilitating approval of district authorities for helicopter landings. MOCA has advised helicopter operators to start using ‘Helisewa’ portal from 1st January 2022 onwards.
                                        • VC meeting on HMCA’s Dashboard point on Ground Handling Charges for NSOP/GA operators held on 08.12.2021 :- BAOA had brought up the issue of unfair ground handling charges being levied on small aircraft on NSOP/GA industry, at various public airports in India, during the last ‘advisory group’ meeting with HMCA on 11th November 2021. All stakeholders; airport operators, AAI and BAOA; participated in this meeting chaired by JS MOCA on 8th December 2021. There was consensus among all the stakeholders holders that NSOP/GA operators should be offered ‘menu-driven’ ground handling services, as per specific requirements of each aircraft, and not forced to accept costly comprehensive GH services. Final policy directive in this regard is expected from MOCA, soon.
                                        • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 24 December 2021

                                          Update: November, 2021

                                          • Meeting with the Small Airlines and Helicopter Operators on 11.11.2021 at 1230 hrs under the chairmanship of HMCA :- As members would be aware, MD BAOA had attended the first meeting on small aircraft operations with Hon’ble Minister of Civil Aviation (HMCA) on 2nd September 2021. The second meeting with HMCA took place on 11th November 2021, immediately after the launch of the, much awaited, eGCA project for the entire range of approvals given by DGCA, electronically. Soon after the launch of eGCA, both, President & MD BAOA, attended the meeting in MOCA on small aircraft operations, chaired by HMCA. Attached please find seven issues presented by BAOA concerning small aircraft operations. There were meaningful discussions on all the issues for immediate and, in one case, deferred action. Members would be kept updated in the coming months as these issues start getting suitably addressed at the highest level in the government.
                                          • ‘Follow up' completed by BAOA, post meeting with HMCA :- During the above mentioned meeting, HMCA asked BAOA to submit well-researched inputs on the first three issues listed by BAOA for discussion. We were tasked to send inputs by 22nd November 2021. Attached please see the timely inputs sent to the office of HMCA on the following three issues:
                                            - Flight Clearances (AOR) for domestic flights of NSOP from civil enclaves
                                            - Radio Telephony/RTR license thru online test without involving Ministry of Communication
                                            - White Paper on kick-starting ‘aircraft fractional ownership in India’
                                          • Letter to Senior Eco. Advisor, MoCA on Revision of AAI hangar rental charges due to pandemic situation :- Hangar charges levied by AAI during the lockdown period, due to pandemic, continue to be cause of concern to our members. We had taken up this issue earlier too, in October 2020, to have a rationalized approach, keeping pandemic situation in mind. However, due to lack of any ‘follow up’ action and, AAI continuing to levy enhanced charges and penal interest, we have again approached MOCA to address this issue in a rationalized manner. Please see the attached letter sent to Sr Economic Advisor on the issue, while keeping the higher levels informed.
                                          • Amendment / Clarification: Public Notice 48/2003 DT:08.12.2003, Issued by office of the Commissioner of Customs (Imports) Air Cargo Complex, Mumbai:- Since our members have been facing delays in collecting AOG items from some Custom Houses due to the lack of clear directive from the ‘office of Commissioner of Customs (Imports), we have written the attached letter to get the issue addressed. While awaiting official response to our letter, it is requested that members share their recent experience in this regard for better appreciation of the actual situation on ground.
                                          • 2nd Meeting of Advisory Group on Safety and Security has been scheduled on 30.11.2021:- The first meeting of the ‘advisory group’ on safety & security, constituted by MOCA, was held under the chairpersonship of the former Secretary CA on 15th September 2021. After the new Secretary CA took over, the next meeting has now been scheduled for 30th November 2021 in MOCA. Please see the attached points on safety & security sent by BAOA, to be progressed through this advisory group. Members would be kept updated on the progress of these issues and are requested to send additional issues, if any, for future meetings.
                                          • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent on updates by MD, BAOA dt. 25 November 2021

                                            Update: October, 2021

                                            • Minutes of meeting AGM -11 dt. 24 September 2021:- We had well-attended and fruitful AGM-11 meeting on 24th September 2021 at Roseate House, Aerocity, New Delhi. During the open-house discussions, almost all the participants shared their views on issues covered by MD during his ‘annual review’. Please see the attached ‘minutes of AGM-11 and send your comments, if any, to
                                            • Next monthly meeting to discuss issues related to GA/BA with DGCA:- DGCA has intimated that the next meeting with BAOA on GA/BA matters would be held at 2:30pm on 2nd November 2021 (Tuesday) at DGCA HQ (Conference Room). Please see the attached document shared by DGCA regarding issues intended to be discussed during this meeting. Most of the issues being faced by our industry have already been covered by DGCA. However, members are welcome to email any additional issues, along with well-researched brief on it, to MD at . Please send fresh issues by coming Wednesday, 27th October 2021, positively. Further, members willing to participate, in this physical meeting, are requested to intimate the same at by 29th October 2021.
                                            • Objection to Draft of Rule 42 of MoCA draft notification dated 30.09.2021 publishing the draft Aircraft (Amendment) Rules 2021:- Most members would be aware of the draft amendment to Rule 42 of Aircraft Rules put up on MOCA’s website on 30th September 2021 and giving stakeholders 30 days to respond with comments / objections, if any. Based on the inputs received from our members, having deeper understanding of the subject matter, draft letter, to file our objections to the proposed amendments, has been prepared. Please refer to the attached letter and send your comments by 27th October 2021, positively, to enable timely response to MOCA’s notification on the subject.
                                            • Successful implementation of the Seaplane operations in India - collection of information/inputs:- Please refer to the attached letter received from Joint Secretary, MOCA, regarding inputs required to prepare a viable business plan for sustainable and long-term development / operations of seaplanes in India. MD BAOA is already in contact with representatives of McKinsey India to help prepare viable projects for seaplanes in India. Members are requested to share their inputs / thoughts in this regard with MD BAOA, ASAP.
                                            • Aircraft Fractional Ownership:- After opening up of ‘gift city’ in Ahmedabad and aircraft leasing business taking roots in India, BAOA has been receiving inputs on viability of ‘aircraft fractional ownership’ in India, fine-tuned to Indian financial regulations. Please refer the attached document on ‘fractional ownership’, based on the inputs received from individuals / companies interested in bringing this concept in India, especially for GA/BA industry. This issue was discussed during the last AGM-11 and would be progressed with MOCA during the coming weeks. Members are requested to send their valuable inputs / comments by 10th November 2021 to help us prepare a final document covering all aspects of ‘aircraft fractional ownership’ as relevant to India.
                                            • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent by MD, BAOA dt. 24 October 2021

                                              Update: September, 2021

                                              • Minutes of Meeting with Ms. Usha Padhee, JS MoCA to discuss issues related to GA/BA on 06th July 2021:- Finalised ‘minutes of VC meeting’ held with MoCA on 6th July 2021 were received on 16th August 2021.Members are requested to study these minutes and give valuable inputs/feedback on issues affecting them individually or collectively. All the major issues concerning our industry were discussed during this meeting with MoCA. On some issues like; ‘royalty at AAI airports, list of some airfields on which operational information is not available etc; would need regular inputs from our members. Another meeting is being planned with MoCA and DGCA during October/November to review the progress on all the issues and discuss fresh issues of concern to our industry.
                                              • Meeting held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister of Civil Aviation with the aircraft manufacturing and component manufacturing group to discuss general issues pertaining to their sector on 24th August, 2021:- BAOA was invited to the first meeting the new Civil Aviation Minister had with ‘aircraft & component manufacturing group in India’ on 24th August 2021. We have asked for, to begin with, encouraging spare parts and large component manufacturing in India, especially for small aircraft industry. It was officially informed during the meeting that anomalies concerning levying import duty/GST on some of the common category items like, rubber parts, battery etc, is being addressed soon by reference to IPC of the aircraft.
                                              • Meeting held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Minister of Civil Aviation to discuss issues/challenges being faced by the small aircraft operators on 03rd September 2021:- Minister of Civil Aviation held a separate meeting with small aircraft operators. MD, BAOA was given opportunity to give presentation on issues concerning GA/BA industry in India. Please refer the attached presentation on the issues presented before the Hon’ble Minister. Follow up action has already begun on most of the issues, especially concerning ‘AOR for NSOP flights, Import Duty & GST applicable on helicopters. Please see the attached ‘note’ sent to ministry on ‘fractional ownership of aircraft’. Members are requested to send suggestions on the attached presentation and the ‘note’ for further discussions on these issues with MoCA.
                                              • 1st Meeting of Advisory Group on Safety and Security held on 15th September 2021:- MD, BAOA participated in the first meeting of the ‘Advisory Group’ constituted by MoCA on safety and security issues. We have raised the issue of rationalizing ‘Training & Licensing’ regulations in line with the recommendations of the expert committee formed by DGCA in 2017. Further, amendment of Rule 38B on carrying of cabin crew for below 20 seat aircraft was also requested. Attached please see the ‘terms of reference’ for the “advisory Group’ and discuss ideas/opinions/suggestions in this regard during the forthcoming AGM on 24th September 2021 at Aerocity New Delhi.
                                              • Meeting held under the Chairpersonship of Shri Piyush Srivastava, Senior Economic Adviser, MoCA to discuss the policy incentives to Helicopter MROs on 13th September 2021.:- Senior Economic Advisor, MoCA held the first meeting with the group of helicopter operators/’maintenance organisations’ to discuss ways to facilitate growth of ‘helicopter MROs in India. After receiving inputs from our members, carrying out helicopter maintenance services, the attached ‘brief’ was sent to MOCA on 17th September 2021. Members are requested to study the ‘brief’ for discussions during the forthcoming AGM on 24th September 2021.
                                              • IBAC Updates:- Please see the attached updates received from IBAC. It is matter of pride that IBAC has completed 40 years as an umbrella organization, guiding the progress of GA/BA industry, through its member associations, across the globe. Please see the updates regarding progress of IS-BAH program undertaken by IBAC, in which one of our member (SRC Aviation) has recently got stage 3 renewal. IBAC is also working for fair and proportionate requirement to be mandated from GA/BA industry on reduction of carbon emission goal mandated for global aviation industry, as a whole. Please contact Bruce Perry at for any query regarding carbon emission goals.

                                                For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail sent by MD, BAOA dt. 21 September 2021

                                                Update: August, 2021

                                                • Re-constituted Governing Board unanimously elects new President:- The re-constituted ‘governing board’ of BAOA, for the next two years (2021-23), in its first meeting (GB-53), held on 6th August 2021, unanimously elected Mr. Sudhir Nayak as the President of BAOA. Mr. Sudhir Nayak is presently Senior Vice President of Reliance (RCDL) and is one of the founding members of BAOA. He is also Treasurer of IBAC and part of Customer Advisory Board of Airbus Corporate Jets (ACJ).
                                                • Urgent Comments needed on Draft CAR’s posted on DGCA Website:- Draft CAR for revising CAR Section 8 Series S Part I - Requirements commercial air transport- for Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO) and operations by turbine-engined aeroplanes beyond 60 minutes to an en-route alternate aerodrome. Members are requested to go through this draft and send their comments by 14th August 2021. We have received one comment expressing doubts about the provision for filling Annex 2,3 and OPSPEC amendment in order to get 120 min threshold limit for NSOP. Members are requested to check this aspect thoroughly with available experts in their company and send inputs positively by 14th August 2021.
                                                • Next AGM (AGM -11) in Delhi on 24th September 2021:- The ‘governing board’ of BAOA, in its meeting held on 6th August 2021, decided to hold the next AGM-11 on 24th September 2021 from 3pm to 5:30pm. This would be a physical meeting, subject to favorable Covid situation prevailing at that time. We expect some senior DGCA’s officials to join the ‘high tea’ being organized immediately after the AGM at 5:30pm. All members are requested to join this much-awaited AGM. Details will be shared with all members by mid-September.
                                                • Next monthly meeting to discuss issues related to GA/BA with DGCA:- It has been proposed to DGCA to hold the next meeting with BAOA’s members on 24th September 2021 at 11am at DGCA’s HQ. This is aimed at having the maximum number of attendees from BAOA’s side, including the ones who would be coming to attend the AGM, being held in the afternoon. Members are requested to send agenda points, to be included in this meeting, by the end of August.
                                                • Update: July, 2021

                                                  • Meeting with Ms. Usha Padhee, JS MoCA to discuss issues related to GA/BA on 06.07.2021:- Team of BAOA comprising most of the governing board members had a two hours long web meeting with MOCA, chaired by Joint Secretary, Ms. Usha Padhee. JDG/CFOI and senior officers from AAI/BCAS represented the govt./regulatory bodies. All the GA/BA issues received from members, till 30th June 2021, were discussed during the meeting. Finalised minutes are expected to be issued soon by MOCA. In the meantime, members are requested to send additional inputs on the following issues:
                                                    a) Inputs for the ‘concept paper’ to be submitted to MOCA to help achieve optimal growth of helicopter industry in India.
                                                    b) Unfair aeronautical charges, being levied by AAI owned public airports, for parking/housing, to be discussed in joint meeting with AAI/MOCA.
                                                    c) Waiving WPC license requirement for aircraft specific equipment like TCAS etc. for submission to Min of Communication.
                                                    d) Changes in DTL regulations to align with ICAO Annex I, specifically for NSOP/GA industry.
                                                    e) Changes in recently finalized FDTL CAR for allowing more than 6 landings in case of short
                                                  • Comments on AERA CP 08/2021-22, Determination Of Aeronautical Tariff For Cochin International Airport, Kochi (Cok) For The Third Control Period (0Attached plea1.04.2021 - 31.03.2026):- Comments sent on AERA CP for determining aeronautical charges for Kochi airport. BAOA has, once again, emphasized on the need to rationalize parking/housing charges and make them specific to aeronautical assets available on the public airports. Further, we have asked for GH charges to be on cost plus basis, rather than ‘soft touch’ approach, with minimum or no royalty to airport operator. Members are requested to send their views on the subject.
                                                  • Reduction in over-stay charges at MIAL:- As all our members are aware, BAOA has been fighting legal case in Supreme Court of India on levying of heavy penal or over-stay charges beyond the allotted slot at the time of landing. This issue was again raised during the last stakeholders meeting held by AERA to determine aeronautical tariff for MIAL for the next five years control period (2019-2024). During the discussions, AERA/MIAL agreed to rationalize these charges to the extent possible for them. There has been around 20% reduction in these charges. Notwithstanding this step taken by AERA/MIAL, BAOA would continue to fight the issue of illegality of imposing these charges by AERA on the pretext of safety in the Supreme Court of India.
                                                  • Follow Up’ letter written to DGCA:- Letters written to DGCA (JDG) on the following issues discussed during the web meeting with MOCA:
                                                    a) Equipage approval for portable ADS-B as option for smaller aircraft using uncontrolled airspace in India.
                                                    b) Provision of mailing/operational address in C of R of aircraft, in addition to registered address.
                                                    c) Waiving ‘base approval’ charges for capabilities extension for pre-approved maintenance base.
                                                  • Comments invited on Draft CAR’s posted on DGCA Website:- Below are some of the important draft CARs for NSOP/GA industry, just out on DGCA’s website. BAOA has been working for long with DGCA for finalization of these CARs. Consolidated comments on these are required to be submitted by 31st July 2021. Members are requested to go thru these CAR and send their final comments to , positively by 29th July 2021.

                                                    • Draft Revision to CAR Section 8 Series O Part III - Operation of General Aviation Aeroplanes. Comments invited by 31st July 2021. Please address comments to: Vivek Chhabra, CFOI, Office of the Director General of Civil Aviation, Opp. Safdarjung Airport, Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110 003. Email:
                                                    • Draft Revision to CAR Section 8 Series S Part I - Requirements commercial air transport- for Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO) and operations by turbine-engined aeroplanes beyond 60 minutes to an en-route alternate aerodrome. Comments invited by 31st July 2021. Please address comments to: Vivek Chhabra, CFOI, Office of the Director General of Civil Aviation, Opp. Safdarjung Airport, Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110 003. Email:
                                                    • Draft revision to CAR Section 2 Series I Part VI - Cockpit Voice Recorders & Cockpit Audio Recording System. Comments invited by 31st July 2021. Please address comments to: Ms Tuhinanshu Sharma, Deputy Director General(AW), Office of the Director General of Civil Aviation, Opp. Safdarjung Airport, Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110 003. Email:
                                                    • Draft revision to CAR Section 2 Series I Part V - Flight Data Recorders, Combination Recorders, Datalink Recorders, Airborne Image Recorders, Airborne Image Recording System and Aircraft Data Recording System. Comments invited by 31st July 2021. Please address comments to: Ms Tuhinanshu Sharma, Deputy Director General(AW), Office of the Director General of Civil Aviation, Opp. Safdarjung Airport, Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi - 110 003. Email:

                                                  • Update: June, 2021

                                                    • Meeting with CFOI, DGCA dt. 18 June 2021:- MD BAOA had long meeting with CFOI, DGCA on 18th June 2021 to discuss the current situation regarding ‘IR/PPC of pilots on simulator’ in view of continued restrictions on international travel. CFOI informed that DGCA is aware of the constraints operators are facing on this front and, after due deliberations, it has been decided to adopt the approach of ‘target exemptions’ on case to case basis rather than blanket extension of 3/6 months to all. The ICAO’s audit of DGCA would be taking place soon and focus is on avoiding unnecessary observations. CFOI assured that all cases of individual exemptions, fulfilling DGCA’s CAR requirements, would be approved in time. Members are requested to be most proactive in this regard and let MD know whenever avoidable delays are happening with their individual applications for exemptions. Further, the CARs on EDTO limit for NSOP and GTOs have been finalized and awaiting final clearance of DGCA’s CAR Committee before being put up on DGCA’s website for comments. Further inputs in this regard from members are welcome.
                                                    • CIC admits appeal of BAOA against AERA’s order on MYTP for CSMIA for Order no. 64/ 2020-21 para 12.6.6:- As intimated earlier to members, BAOA had filed RTI application in AERA to get copies of ‘note sheets on file’ leading to its decision at para 12.6.6 of Order No. 64/2020-21 to retain ‘penal parking’ charges for NSOP/GA at MIAL for the period 2019 to 2024. Since AERA refused to give the information on the pretext that the required ‘note sheets’ of the voluminous document (Order 64/2020-21) are not available, BAOA filed ‘second appeal’ against AERA in ‘Central Information Commission (CIC)’. We are determined to follow up this matter on all fronts, including hastening of hearing of the pending appeal in Supreme Court of India.
                                                    • High Court matter on royalty for pilgrimage flights by Uttrakhand Govt. :- BAOA’s appeal in Nainital High Court, against Uttrakhand Govt’s order imposing royalty on ‘Chardham Yatra’ in the state of Uttrakhand is moving towards finality. The case came up for ‘online hearing’ last week and, it has been ordered by the court to have the ‘final physical hearing’ by the middle of next month, around 19/20th July 2021. BAOA has engaged services of ‘senior advocate’ from Delhi for the ‘final hearing’.
                                                    • Conduct of next GB election, as per modified by-laws of BAOA, on 23rd July 2021.:- As already intimated, the next AGM-11 stands postponed to 23rd July 2021 with the aim to have physical meeting instead of ‘online’ virtual one. This also gives extra time to members to clear their outstanding membership dues for the current FY 2021-22. Those members who have not yet paid membership dues for the current FY are requested to pay ‘online’ or through cheque at the earliest. Further, the nomination for the next ‘governing board’ (2021-2023) are still open ( up to 16th July, 5pm) to willing corporate members. Please contact MD for any clarification/suggestion in this regard.
                                                    • IBAC Updates:- IBAC has been working closely at ICAO on emerging situation affecting business aviation operations. IBAC is planning to organize free seminars on safety during June/July 2021. Members are requested to visit IBAC website ( ) for further information on these safety seminars. IBAC continues to expand with ‘Flight Safety International’ and CAE joining as new members. This would surely provide IBAC greater platform to effectively address issues specific to training of GA/BA industry undertaken by these two organizations.
                                                    • Update: May, 2021

                                                      • Letter to DG, DGCA on Approvals/Waivers due to Covid Situation, dt. 12 May 2021:- BAOA has recently written to DG DGCA asking for blanket exemptions/waivers to be given for regulator’s mandated re-currency for crew and other airworthiness requirement that can’t be fulfilled due to prevailing restriction on International flights. This letter has been followed up with calls to the dealing personnel in DGCA. We are hopeful of favourable response from DGCA by next week
                                                      • Letter to DG, DGCA regarding clarification (on old Air Safety Circular), dt. 07 May 2021:- letter written to DG DGCA asking for clarification on ‘real-time’ implementation of the old Air Safety Circular (2/1981) in the present scenario. This point was discussed during the DGCA’s meeting with BAOA’s operators in August 2020 but, the 'minutes of the meeting’ missed out on issuing specific clarification on ‘the first flight of the day’ only to be cleared by AME and, not the 'subsequent series of flights' of the same day. We expect DGCA to finally clarify this issue in the next meeting, planned for the last week of this month. However, if in any regional office is already following the practice of ‘the first flight of the day only’, then it would be advisable not to seek any further clarification, locally with regional office.
                                                      • Letter to JS, MoCA on unfair/unauthorized levying of parking/housing charges on NSOP/GA aircrafts at Chennai & Pune, dt. 22 April 2021:- BAOA has taken up the issue of some AAI airports charging exorbitant and unauthorised parking / housing fee at Chennai and Pune respectively. Members are requested to provide additional information in this regard, if facing similar treatment at any other AAI airport in India. Letter sent to MOCA in this regard, as advance information, before this issue comes up for discussion in the next meeting. Further, the revised list of issues proposed to be discussed with MOCA soon after the current Covid situation gets normal and, under control. Please suggest any fresh additional issues, if any, by 20th May 2021
                                                      • Conduct of next GB election, as per modified by-laws of BAOA, on 11th June 2021:- Members are again reminded to confirm participation in the next AGM on 11th June 2021 through their authorised representative OR send details of proxy attendees, by email, latest by 7th June 2021. Further, please make sure to keep your membership in ‘good standing’ by paying the current FY BAOA’s subscription, latest by 31st May 2021, preferably by online payment option. We look forward to your continued support
                                                      • IBAC updates:- Please see the attached updates received from IBAC. We are looking at a common strategy to engage government authorities to address the ongoing crisis due to COVID across the globe. Please see the attached draft prepared by IBAC for any further inputs from our members, to be sent to MD by 20th May 2021. IBAC has also launched a new ‘online’ Aircrew Identification Card thru its website This privilege is available to only IBAC member associations and, BAOA is one of the active members. Please visit IBAC website for getting this 'Aircrew Identification Card’
                                                      • For all attachments, as mentioned above, please refer mail send by MD, BAOA dt. 15 May 2021

                                                        Update: April, 2021

                                                        • Web meeting under Chairpersonship of Ms. Usha Padhee dt. 20 April 2021 postponed to 3rd May:- The proposed web meeting with MoCA on NSOP/GA issues, scheduled for 20th April stands postponed to 3rd May 2021 at 3pm. Members are requested to go through the proposed agenda for discussions during the meeting. Issues pertaining to AAI, MoCA, DGCA and BCAS have been planned for this meeting. Any additional agenda items should be sent by 25th May, along with brief ‘write up’ to
                                                        • Letter to Secretary, MoCA on Proposal for Enhancing safety of VFR/Uncontrolled aircraft operations through use of low-cost ADS-B transponders/ Electronic conspicuity (EC) devices dt. 30 March 2021:- DGCA has recently issued regulations for operation of ‘drones’ in the uncontrolled Indian air space. With a view to enhance safety of NSOP/GA aircraft, due to intensive use of uncontrolled air space by our industry, especially the helicopters, we have sent the ‘Strategic Paper’ to MoCA for ‘equipage approval’ for low-cost EC devices in small aircraft of NSOP/GA to enhance safety. The matter will be taken up in the next meeting with MoCA/DGCA. Further suggestions, in this regard, from members are welcome.
                                                        • Web meeting with Senior Eco. Advisor, MoCA (Addln Secy to GOI) on Issues of Aircraft leasing company and MRO for GA/BA dt. 08 April 2021:- Web meeting was held with Sr Economic Advisor, MOCA on 8th April 2021 to discuss initial hiccups being faced by the operators regarding functioning of Ac Leasing Companies located in the Gift City in India. Members are advised to write to MD on all issues being faced by them wrt progressing leasing of aircraft from the recently established Indian ‘Ac Leasing companies’. Other issues on fast tracking directive on ‘aircraft management companies’ and ‘fractional ownership’ of aircraft were also discussed during the meeting.
                                                        • Next monthly meeting to discuss issues related to GA/BA with DGCA in mid May 2021:- The next meeting of BAOA at DGCA’s HQ has been planned for mid-May 2021. This has been planned as physical meeting subject to Covid situation getting under control. Points for discussion/resolution for this meeting have already been received from Taj Air, Karnavati, Bajaj Auto and Aditya Birla Gp. Members are requested to send brief points, or issues being faced by them with safety regulator, by 30th April 2021, positively.
                                                        • High court case in Nainital on Royalty:- BAOA’s legal case in High Court of Nainital on ‘royalty’, imposed on charter operations for Chardham yatra, was scheduled for final hearing on 15th April 2021. However, due to sudden spurt of Covid cases, the hearing has been held in abeyance for the time being. BAOA would be requesting for physical hearing of the case, keeping in mind the nature of the issues involved.
                                                        • Conduct of next GB election, as per modified by-laws of BAOA, on 11th June 2021:- All our esteemed members are requested to note that, as per the decision of the ‘governing board’ of BAOA, the next AGM and elections for the reconstitution of new ‘governing board’ has been planned for 11th June 2021. In order to meet the requirement of ‘membership being in good standing’ for participation in the election process, and attend AGM, all members are requested to clear the membership dues for current FY (2021-22), preferably by 30th April 2021. Notification for the election process would be issued next week. Please feel free to contact MD for any further clarification/information.
                                                        • Update: March, 2021

                                                          • Meeting under the Chairmanship of Shri, Pradeep Singh Kharola, Secretary, Civil Aviation on 03 March 2021 to discuss the opportunities/possibilities for formation a regional Air Ambulance agreement with neighboring countries :- The letter received by BAOA from MOCA regarding recent initiative by GOI to integrate SARC nations into a regional network for offering ‘air ambulance services’ for urgent/emergency airlift of patients to hospitals in India. MD BAOA attended this meeting chaired by Secretary CA, which also had representatives from MHA/MOT/SARC Sectt. We have been asked to submit recommendations regarding an agreement to be signed by SARC nations to ensure seamless operations of ‘air ambulance services’ by Indian NSOP operators within the SARC region. Members are requested to send well-researched inputs by 24th March 2021 for onward submission to MOCA.
                                                          • Meeting with DIAL, discussion with BAOA and FBO Concessionaires dt. 19 March 2021 :- As a ‘follow up’ of the above initiative on ‘air ambulance’ for SARC region, and to work on optimal utilization of the recently inaugurated GA Terminal, a meeting has been planned with DIAL to elicit airport operator’s views on ways to ensure seamless operations for NSOP/GA, alongside the requirement for coordination to ensure seamless ‘air ambulance’ services. Members are requested to get in touch with their respective parent base’s airport operators and include relevant inputs from their side too by 24th March to help evolve a cohesive and centralized approach at PAN-INDIA level.
                                                          • Interim 6 month extension on FATA on ‘Aerial Work’ :- BAOA’s team, comprising three affected operators and MD, had detailed meeting with JDG (DC Sharma) on 10th March 2021 at DGCA HQ on the issue of FATA being given for ‘aerial work’ involving infrastructural projects. It has been clarified by DGCA that the regulator would be flexible to grant up to total of six months for FATA in case of ‘aerial works’. Members are requested to see provisions of CAR Series 7 Section G Part II in this regard. We continue to work with DGCA for further rationalization of FATA’s duration based on international best practices and the need to train Indian pilots as P1 for such tasks, keeping in mind the long-term need for ‘aerial works’ in the country.
                                                          • Letter to Secretary, MoCA on Ground Handling at public airports for NSOP/GA dt. 17 March 2021 :- Rationalisation of high GH charges continue to be on high priority with BAOA. In this regard, letter has been written to MOCA to allow self-‘ground handling’ to BA/GA operators at the parent base of operations. This matter was also discussed in the last meeting of the ‘governing board’ held on 26th February 2021. We are exploring all options, including the legal one to address this long-pending issue.
                                                          • Appeal in Supreme Court against MIAL’s order and RTI filed to AERA decision on MYTP for CSMIA for Order no. 64/ 2020-21 :- BAOA has filed application in the Supreme Court of India, referring to our pending case on penal parking charges at MIAL for BA/GA aircraft, requesting for directions to be given for reversing penal charges levied on NSOP/GA aircraft during the complete ‘lock down’ period. Further, AERA has recently issued its ‘order’ allowing the continuation of ‘penal parking charges’ on BA/GA aircraft, ignoring the basic premise on which these charges were allowed in 2012. BAOA has filed RTI application with AERA to get clarity on how decision to retain penal charges was arrived at.
                                                          • High court case in Nainital on Royalty dt. 26 March 2021 :- The legal case filed by BAOA in HC of Nainital has progressed further and the ‘final hearing’ in the matter has been fixed for 26th March 2021. BAOA would be seeking appearance from our ‘senior advocate’ in Supreme Court against AERA/MIAL for the final hearing. Members would be informed on the final outcome of the matter.
                                                          • BAOA Web Meeting with Aircraft Leasing Experts, chaired by Ms. Vandana Aggarwal, Senior Economic Advisor dt. 05 March 2021 :- BAOA organized web meeting with the ‘civil aviation ministry’, represented by Senior Economic Advisor and, the CEO of the newly established ‘aircraft leasing company’ in India. More than 30 members participated in the meeting to understand the benefits of leasing aircraft from the ‘gift city’ in India. This being a very significant move by Indian govt. under ‘Rupee Raftaar’ initiative, all members are earnestly requested to get in touch with CEO of the Indian ‘aircraft leasing company’ that is specifically taking care of small aircraft industry. He has tailor-made solutions to meet seasonal requirements of NSOP operators. His email id is
                                                          • IBAC Survey on Aircraft Insurance & standardization of GH services :- The recent spurt in insurance premiums in aircraft industry has caused concern among BA/GA operators across the globe. The issue was discussed in the last POC meeting of IBAC in which MD had participated. BAOA has received communication in this regard from DG IBAC asking for the trend being observed by Indian operators. Members are requested to send their inputs regarding changes being seen in insurance premium of aircraft in India. Further, the proposal to some way regulate GH services is under active consideration of ICAO. We are in constant dialogue with IBAC for evolving standardized approach for ensuring safe and secure GH services for BA/GA industry.
                                                          • ICAO Global Aviation Dialogues on long-term global aspirational goal for aviation CO2 emissions :- There will be five two-session, virtual GLADs, each aimed at specific regions. The goal is consultative as well as informational: providing an explanation of the LTAG concept, discussing its feasibility (what are the various measures and in what combination that will allow us to reach X goal?), and seeking input from government and industry officials.
                                                            IBAC, as a recognized international organization at ICAO, has been invited to participate in the GLADs. Senior officials, having good knowledge on the subject, from the IBAC member associations may wish to participate in the respective GLAD in our region. IBAC must first nominate any interested persons for the GLADs. Once the nominations are accepted by ICAO, participants will then be allowed to register online. The events are free. Interested members are requested to provide Kurt Edward ( ) and to Bruce Parry, IBAC Director ( for Environment, by Friday, 9 April, the names and contact details of interested company officials who wish to participate in a GLAD and any of the specific GLAD. Alternately, please email details to MD BAOA, who will then submit to ICAO, through IBAC, the formal nominations of individuals participating in the GLADs under IBAC.
                                                          • Update: February, 2021

                                                            • Minutes of Meeting held on 11.12.2020 to discuss the issues related to Business Aviation/General Aviation and ‘agenda points’ for next meeting with DGCA:- There have been follow up discussions with DGCA on EDTO limit for NSOP to be revised to 120 min and separate FDTL CAR for NSOP/BA/State Govt. These two CARs needed last minute discussions to address issues not discussed earlier. Finalized CARs should be issued any time soon. Members are requested to examine the minutes and intimate on any additional comments. Further, the next meeting in DGCA has been planned for 2nd March 2021 at 11am. Members are requested to send fresh agenda points, with brief ‘write up’, by 19th February 2021 as the same has to be shared with DGCA by 22nd February.
                                                            • Draft agenda for meeting in MOCA on GA/BA Issues:- We have been intimated by MOCA that the next meeting on GA/BA matters would be held this month. As desired by MOCA, the draft agenda points have already been sent. Exact date and time of this meeting would be intimated soon after getting confirmation from MOCA. Members desirous of participating in this meeting are requested to send email at
                                                            • KT/ workshop for eGCA live services:- Please refer the email received from DGCA on the workshop being conducted through web on the eGCA live services. All members are requested to participate in the workshop along with their senior employees. Please do encourage our other industry colleagues, not yet members of BAOA, to also participate in this workshop and, share the weblink with them.
                                                            • Discussions with US manufacturer on portable ADS-B beacon – web-meeting on 17 Feb 2021 at 10:30am :- As intimated in the last month’s updates, BAOA is organizing web meeting with Team from US on 17th Feb at 10:30am to elicit views of affected members, seeking low cost option to meet requirements of the latest directives on availability of ADS-B. Please refer to the note received form ex-Member AAI, Mr. Somasundram, now associated with Star Global Consultants. We are also exploring ways to ensure seamless VFR operations of helicopters, especially during election times, by use of this portable device. Members inputs would be sought on control-head integration of this tail-mounted device in the cockpit and regulator’s approval for the same. Interested members to use the given link here and participate along with their technical experts.
                                                            • Letter to Secretary, MoCA on Issue of FATA for foreign pilots engaged in Aerial Work dt. 21 January 2021:- BAOA has written letter to MOCA for rationalizing requirements for issue of FATA to aircrew involved in ‘aerial work’ in India. This issue is slated to be discussed in the next meeting on GA/BA matters planned to be held during this month.
                                                            • Update: January, 2021

                                                              • MD, BAOA interaction with Hon’ble Minister of State for Civil Aviation, on Thursday, 21 January 2021 in virtual CEOs conference organised by CII:- MD, BAOA would be participating in CEO’s conference with Hon’ble Minister of Civil Aviation on 21st January 2021. Issues concerning our GA/BA industry, needing attention at the top level, are proposed to be taken up during this session. Suggestions from members are solicited in this regard. As of now, issues on, ‘parity in taxation (custom duty & GST) vis-à-vis scheduled airlines’, ‘fractional ownership/aircraft management’ and ‘AOR requirement at civil enclaves’, are proposed to be discussed with the Hon’ble minister. Please send in your suggestions, with brief explanation, positively by 20th January.
                                                              • Extension of simulator training requirement for helicopter industry by DGCA:- BAOA had strongly taken up the issue of extending the existing exemption, up to 31st December 2020, on CAR’s requirement for mandatory simulator training for helicopter industry due to extremely limited availability of simulators and restrictions on travel imposed due to rapidly evolving new challenges on Covid’s threat across the nations. The issue was discussed at length during the last meeting of BAOA and DGCA on 11th December 2020. The exemption has now been extended up to 30th June 2021. Our sincere thanks to all the members who participated in the meeting on 11th Dec 2020 for giving their valuable inputs to achieve this goal successfully and ‘in time’.
                                                              • Invitation to Register for Hughes Aero Webinar -"Delivering Unmatched Connectivity above the Clouds":- We have received request from Hughes for maximum participation in the seminar being planned by them on optimising connectivity, especially for business aircraft. This would be good opportunity to learn about the latest developments and innovation in this field. All our members are requested to register for this seminar planned for 22nd January 2021. Please encourage all the senior professionals in the company (pilots/engineers & management experts) to register for this free seminar of one hour duration. Link for Registration, URL link text Webinar ID - 727-662-979. In case of any support, please contact at
                                                              • BAOA’s seminar on portable ADS-B transponders:- Due the recent restrictions being imposed by AAI, for use of RVSM air space, on aircraft not yet retro-fitted with ADS-B, BAOA has been looking at various option to find optimal solution in this regard. Also being included is the requirement of seamless ‘point to point’ operations of helicopters with just intimation, and not approval, to the concerned district authorities. It has been learnt that a new and much cheaper portable ADS-B transponder giving constant ‘position indication’ is now being made available by some OEMs. It is proposed to have presentation and web meeting with members on 29th January (Friday) at 3pm. Web link for the meeting would be sent in advance to all members next week. All members are requested to participate in this meeting.
                                                              • Agenda points for next meeting with DGCA:- MD, BAOA has been in constant touch with DGCA for issue of the finalized minutes of the last meeting held in DGCA on 11th December 2020. In the meantime, it has been intimated by our nodal officer in DGCA that next meeting is being planned during the first week of February 2021. Members are requested to forward agenda points for the meeting by 29th January 2021, positively, with all the relevant details of the issue to be taken up during the meeting.
                                                              • Update: December, 2020

                                                                • Meeting held on 11.12.2020 to discuss issues related to Business Aviation/General Aviation:- BAOA had a very constructive meeting at DGCA HQ on 11th December 2020 on the agenda points. More than 15 members participated in this first physical meeting after lifting of lockdown. Each issue was discussed with an open mind by DGCA’s team. BAOA is focused on working for a collaborative mechanism between the regulator and the operators for framing safety regulations. This collaborative approach would require thorough understanding of the issue by the both, as also appreciating each other’s concerns/responsibility. Minutes of the meeting, when issued by DGCA, would be shared with our members.
                                                                • Pre-Budget Recommendations for General Aviation:- Points given to MoCA. Letter written to MOCA on pre-budget recommendations for GA/BA industry. We remain focused on equal treatment of NSOP with Scheduled Airlines, for taxation purpose, and rationalizing GST / Import Duty on Private Operator. These recommendations have been shared with CII too.
                                                                • BAOA web meeting with its members to discuss action plan on important regulatory/policy issues affecting GA/BA industry (both fixed wing and helicopters):- As per suggestions received from some members, it has been decided to have an in-house web meeting of all BAOA members on 23rd December 2020 at 2:30pm (IST). While the discussions would be focused on how best to represent our issues at different forums. All members are requested to participate in this web meeting. The link for the meeting would be send by 22nd December 2020.
                                                                • Comments on Draft revision to CAR Section 8 Series O Part V - Operation Of General Aviation Helicopters - Comments invited by 6th January 2021:- BAOA members, operating helicopters, are requested to go through the attached draft CAR (rev 3) for operations of the GA helicopters and share their comments at by 31st December 2020. Consolidated comments received from members would be sent by the due date.
                                                                • IS-BAO Operators and Auditors - Progressive Stage 3 Introduction:- The new Progressive Stage 3 is now available to qualified operators as an option to the classic Stage 3 programme. The Progressive Stage 3 (PS3) was built by operators, for operators, that are looking for a way to advance their Stage 3 safety system, share data, and take advantage of opportunities to mentor and share their best practices with others. This has included both large and small corporate IS-BAO Stage 3 operators with mature safety management systems as well as the Progressive Auditor group. BAOA members are requested to refer to the IBAC document for further details and filling form. Please contact MD BAOA for any further assistance. We encourage our members to adopt globally accepted IS-BAO and IS-BAH standards.
                                                                • Update: November, 2020

                                                                  • Web meeting with Sr Economic Advisor MOCA on 23rd November 2020:- BAOA’s team discussed issue regarding deferred payment AAI’s hangar rentals for the lockdown period with Sr Economic Advisor MOCA. Other issues like, ‘self-maintenance for larger operators’ & ‘fractional ownership’ were also discussed. All these issues are being actively pursued with ministry and decision in this regard is expected soon.
                                                                  • Comments on Draft CAR Section 7 Series J Part IV:- The consolidated comments, after receiving inputs from members, were submitted by the due date to DGCA. The FDTL regulations, for the NSOP/GA/BA industry have been separately dealt with in the new draft CAR. The ‘single pilot’ operations, for both NSOP and private, have been included in the draft CAR. We have asked for a ‘separate CAR’ for small aircrafts of NSOP/GA category, as some of the general provisions in the draft CAR are only specific to scheduled operations and, not of much relevance to GA/BA industry.
                                                                  • Comments on AERA CP 35/2020-2021 in respect of Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai (BOM), for the Third Control Period (01st April 2019 to 31st March 2024):- AERA came out with new Consultation Paper ‘CP’35, two months back, for fixing aeronautical tariff for the period from April 2019 to March 2024. BAOA participated in the discussions on ‘CP35’ organized by AERA on 26th October in which all the stakeholders were present. We pointed out, quoting data from the ‘CP35’, that ‘overstay charges’, being levied on outstation aircraft at MIAL, can’t be justified, and need to be replaced immediately by DGCA’s approved SOP to ensure ‘operational safety and decongest MIAL. Consolidated comments sent to AERA on 9th November 2020, the last date for submission. Members are requested to share more useful/relevant information in this regard, if available, as BAOA’s petition in this regard is still pending in Supreme Court and awaiting first hearing. We are also moving application in SC for early hearing of our pending petition.
                                                                  • Next meeting with DGCA on regulatory matter planned for early next month:- We have been intimated by our ‘nodal officer’ in DGCA that the next ‘web meeting’ with NSOP/GA operators is being planned for the first week of next month. Members are requested to send small ‘write up’ on the issues they wish to take up during the forthcoming meeting by 3oth November 2020. Progress on issues raised earlier is as below:
                                                                  • • RHS qualification for <5700kgs ac (especially turbo prop) – FSD has agreed to correct the existing provisions in this regard, after in-house discussions with DTL. It is expected that, with eGCA getting implemented soon, direct P1 endorsement would be possible for below 5700kgs category after simulator training.
                                                                    MEL Authorisation for P1. DGCA has issued necessary clarification in this regard. Members are requested to intimate if there are still any practical issues pending in this regard.

                                                                    • PFMC specific to GA/BA operators – DGCA has informed that PFMC facilities exist at all the licensed airports. Members are requested to intimate on any difficulty in this regard being experienced at any DGCA’s licensed airport.

                                                                    Update: October, 2020

                                                                    • Aircraft/Engine leasing declared financial services by Govt. of India:- BAOA has been taken up the issue of making leasing of aircraft and engines less costly and get relief in taxation burden for the same. The matter was taken up last year with Senior Economic Advisor of MOCA. Members are requested to refer to the gazette notification issued by GOI making provisions for establishment of IFSC in India to make leasing of aircraft, engines and other critical spares, like landing gears etc, easier and less costly. Through this gazette notification, ‘operating leasing’, which was not a financial product earlier, is now categorized as a ‘financial product’. MD BAOA had meeting in MOCA to organize a more detailed session for our members later, conducted by pioneers in this field in India, to let NSOP/GA operators drive maximum benefit from this relaxation. This is part of project “Rupee Raftar” and aimed at Indian SPVs entering leasing business in a big way to save on tax and foreign currency.
                                                                    • Letter to PMO /Home Secretary & Secretary MoCA on Levying ‘Unauthorized Stay Charges’ by MIAL on NSOP/GA aircraft during period of ‘complete lockdown’ dt. 25 September 2020:- The issue of levying of ‘unauthorized stay’ by MIAL, on outstation aircraft which couldn’t move out of Mumbai before complete lockdown was implemented, has now been taken up at higher level. Letter written in this regard to PMO / Home Secretary / Civil Aviation Secretary. This matter is also being separately pursued with AERA as a part of determination of aeronautical tariff by it for the third control period from 2019-2024. Members are requested to visit AERA site to go through Consultation Paper (CP) 25/2020-21 on MYTP for MIAL and send their comments to MD BAOA by 5th November 2020, positively.
                                                                    • Letter to DT Section on MoCA - Suggestions for restructuring DGCA dt. 25 September 2020:- MOCA had sought our suggestions on restructuring of DGCA to achieve better efficiency and transparency. Suggestions sent by BAOA to MOCA. We have recommended, ultimately, constitution of Civil Aviation Authority on the lines of FAA and EASA, as a long-term measure.
                                                                    • Meeting with BAOA and FBO Concessionaires dt. 08 October 2020:- On directions from MOCA, DIAL organized web meeting between BAOA and the two concessionaires at Delhi. Issues of ‘self-maintenance by larger NSOP operators’, ‘hangar rental’ and ‘rationalization of GH charges’ were the main issues discussed during this meeting to find a collaborative approach to progress these matters. Thereafter, BAOA had a follow up meeting with Economic Advisor MOCA to discuss ways to move forward. Another meeting, chaired by Economic Advisor MOCA has been planned next month with DIAL and its concessionaires to achieve tangible results.
                                                                    • Draft revision to CAR Section 7 Series J Part IV – “Duty Period, Flight Duty Period, Flight Time Limitations and Rest Periods: Flight crew engaged in Scheduled Commuter, Non-scheduled, General Aviation including State Government and PSU Operations.” comments required by 04th November 2020:- Members are requested to refer to the draft CAR issued by DGCA on FDTL having specific provision for NSOP operators. Members are requested to send their comments by 31st October 2020 to enable us compile all inputs before sending finalized comments on the CAR to DGCA.
                                                                    • Consultation Paper No. 35/2020-21 In the matter of Determination of Tariffs for Aeronautical Services in respect of Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, Mumbai (BOM), for the Third Control Period (01st April 2019 to 31st March 2024):- MIAL has submitted their proposed ATP/Tariff Card to AERA as required under the CP vide their letter no. MIAL/CEO/047 dated 15.10.2020. AERA has issued Consultation Paper (CP) 35/2020-21 to determine aeronautical tariff at Mumbai (MIAL) for the third control period, till 2024. While we are examining the various aspects of this CP in consultation with our Mumbai based members, all other members are requested to go through this CP and send their comments by 5th November 2020.
                                                                    • Letter to Ms. Vandana Aggarwal, Economic Advisor on Revision of AAI hangar rental charges due to pandemic situation dt. 21 October 2020:- The issue of rationalization of AAI hangar rentals during the pandemic times was discussed at length with MOCA (Economic Advisor). MOCA wishes to have a more balancing approach to address the issue and, not merely waive off the rental for the users of the hangars, in view of serious reservations expressed by AAI in this regard. Therefore, the letter has now been sent to MOCA after due consultations with the affected members.
                                                                    • Minutes of the meeting held on 21.08.2020 to discuss the issues related to Business Aviation/General Aviation:- DGCA has finally issued minutes of the web meeting held with BAOA members on 21st August 2021. We have been able to revive the issue of waiving cabin crew requirement for aircraft having 19 or below seats. Accordingly, letter, in this regard, has been sent to DGCA for progressing the matter further. Members are requested to refer to the minutes to note the action being taken on points discussed during the meeting. The next meeting has been planned by DGCA for the first week of next month. Members are requested to send agenda points, with brief write up, by 31st October 2020, positively.
                                                                    • Update: September, 2020

                                                                      • First GA/BA Terminal in Delhi - inaugurated by Minister of Civil Aviation:- The exclusive ‘state of the art’ first GA Terminal of its type in India was inaugurated in Delhi by the civil aviation minister on 17th September 2020. This GA Terminal is located close to an operational runway and has all the modern facilities, besides having custom/immigration set up. There are 57 parking stands available for GA aircraft only. The maintenance hangars, too, are already under construction at the same site that are meant exclusively to provide ‘continuous airworthiness maintenance’ support to GA aircraft. This fulfills the long pending demand of the industry and would set trend for creating similar type of ‘terminal’ at other metros in the country. Members are requested to give wider publicity to this development that has been completed during the challenging Covid-19 times.
                                                                      • BAOA-CII partnership for GA/BA exclusive Web Conference on 10th September 2020:- BAOA and CII partnered to conduct first of its kind exclusive ‘web conference’ only on GA industry. There was enthusiastic participation from most of our industry partners in this day long webinar. Both MOCA and DGCA actively participated through senior representatives.
                                                                      • Comments on AERA CP - 31 & 32 of 2020 - Compensating loss of FTC revenue to airport operators dt. 17 August 2020:- Comments sent on AERA’s CP, aimed at compensating for loss of revenue to public airports due to abolishing of FTC. It has been our stand that, instead of increasing ‘landing charges’, there should be marginal increase in UDF to compensate the loss of revenue. We shall keep our efforts on in this direction for a more sustainable aviation ecosystem, especially for small aircraft industry.
                                                                      • Letter to JDG, DGCA on ‘RHS PPC’ Requirements for Turboprop Aircraft below 5700 Kgs dt. 02 September 2020:- The issue of RHS PPC, for aircraft below 5700kgs, has come up recently due to differing interpretation by some FOIs of DGCA. We have written the letter, in detail, to let DGCA consider appropriate modification/change in the current regulations on this. The issue is being closely followed up and, it is expected, that necessary changes would be effected soon.
                                                                      • Letter to DG, DGCA on BA Test amid ongoing Covid 19 Pandemic dt. 06 September 2020:- BAOA has represented against the recent order of DGCA on BA check. We have asked for airlines standards not to be imposed on NSOP/GA operations. The matter is under active consideration of the regulator. Letter on BA order written to DG, DGCA asking for adopting monthly average for BA tests in NSOP/GA rather than daily percentage, as required for airlines operators.
                                                                      • Restructuring of DGCA-seeking written suggestions/comments from the Aviation Industry:- MOCA has sought inputs on restructuring of DGCA, with the aim to ‘review functioning along with current structure & assessing manpower requirement for the next ten years. Members are requested to send their suggestions by 25th September 2020, positively.
                                                                      • Update: August, 2020

                                                                        • Minutes of the meeting held on 03.07.2020 to discuss the issues related to Business Aviation/General Aviation:- We have now received the finalized minutes of the meeting held in MOCA last month. These minutes have also been marked to DGCA by MOCA and we are in constant contact with DGCA for necessary ‘follow up’ on the issues listed in the minutes. Members are requested to pay particular attention to points listed at item vi & vii of the minutes, wrt ‘simulator training / re-currency of crew and individual issues on medical validity, for taking timely action in collaboration with DGCA. MOCA has also asked DGCA to consider BAOA’s request to make carrying of cabin crew optional for NSOP ac
                                                                        • Matter concerning ‘unauthorized stay charges’ at MIAL during ‘lockdown period’ taken up with AERA/MOCA- letter written to Chairman AERA for taking corrective action on MIAL levying ‘unauthorized stay charges’ on outstation ac during the ‘complete lockdown period’. MOCA has also written to MIAL on this issue earlier, which has been quoted with the letter sent to Chairman AERA. BAOA is following up on this issue with AERA/MOCA.
                                                                        • Draft Agenda points for monthly meeting in DGCA for issues related to NSOP/General Aviation Dt. 21 August 2020- Intimation has been received from DGCA that the next meeting with NSOP/GA operators is being planned for 21st August 2020. The draft agenda, comprising seven items, has already been sent to DGCA and being shared with members. Members are requested to suggest any additional items, to be discussed with DGCA, during the proposed meeting on 21st August. Please send your suggestions with brief ‘write up’ on the issue by coming Tuesday, 18th August, positively.
                                                                        • ‘SOP’ to be shared with MoCA for smooth operations of helicopters in the country- After due consultations with BAOA, MOCA had written to all ‘states’ to appoint a ‘nodal officer’ in each one for ensuring smooth ‘point to point’ movement of helicopters, without any prior approval of the concerned district authorities. Some states, while confirming appointment of ‘nodal officer’, have asked for a ‘SOP’ to issued for the purpose. Members, flying helicopters, are requested to send their valuable inputs in this regard by 20th August 2020 for preparing a draft SOP to be proposed to MOCA. Please treat it as most urgent.
                                                                        • BAOA Meeting with MoCA, Eco. Adviser Dt. 13 August 2020- A team of BAOA comprising MD and two GB members had meeting with Senior Economic Advisor to MOCA on 13th August 2020 to discuss issues concerning rationalization of ‘maintenance hangar charges’ at public airports as aeronautical services and discontinuation of royalty/’revenue share’ on maintenance services carried out at these hangars located on public airports. This important matter is being pursued in a steady and logical way. Members will be kept informed of the further progress in due course.
                                                                        • ‘Way Forward’ for GA/BA MROs in India submitted to Sr. Economic Advisor MOCA- As a ‘follow up’ of recent announcement during ‘union budget’, MOCA is coordinating between defence and civil aviation for kickstarting civil MRO activities in a big way in India. MOCA is keen to ensure that major MRO activities get started for NSOP/GA/BA industry too to make India a regional hub. Points sent by BAOA as ‘way forward’ for GA/BA MRO hub in India. Members are welcome to send further inputs in this regard as the matter continues to be under discussion with MOCA/MOD.
                                                                        • BAOA-CII partnership for GA/BA exclusive Web Conference on 10th September 2020- The aviation wing CII is keen to partner with BAOA for its first ever conference, specific to GA/BA industry, on 10th September 2020. BAOA members interested in participating in the event are requested to send their willingness at . The conference is likely to be attended by senior officials from MOCA/AAI/DGCA/BCAS.
                                                                        • Update: June/July, 2020

                                                                          • AGM-10 held on 30th June 2020:- In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s AGM of BAOA was, for the first time, organised through web. Some foreign members were also able to participate in this web-meeting. Besides, other items on the agenda, AGM approved the ‘draft balance sheet’ of BAOA for the FY 2019-20 and appointed auditors for the current FY 2020-21. Following are the two other major items of the AGM-10 and GB-50 meeting which preceded AGM-10.
                                                                          • • Annual review given by MD BAOA. MD BAOA gave annual review of BAOA’s activities during the last one year. Members are requested to go through the presentation given by MD and send their queries/comments on it along with any new suggestions/proposals.

                                                                            • Moratorium on payment of BAOA’s membership fee. It was decided in the GB-50 meeting a day before AGM-10 that, due to financial crisis being faced by members as a result of nation-wide lockdown, the payment date for renewal of BAOA membership would be extended up to 30th September 2020. All members are requested to clear their membership dues for the current FY, if not already paid, by the revised payment date of 30th September 2020 to ensure their membership status remains in ‘good standing’.

                                                                          • Web-meeting/discussions on 10 July 2020 with JS (UP) MOCA 'Social Impact of GA, as relevant to India':- As a ‘follow up’ of report released us on ‘social impact of GA/BA in India during the last BizAvIndia conference in Hyderabad during March 2020, BAOA partnered with Prat & Whitney Canada to give presentation on optimising growth of helicopter industry in India, especially the HEMS operations, which have not yet taken off in India despite the great potential that exists. This presentation was well received and appreciated by MOCA. We have recommended multi-use philosophy for helicopters till demands picks up in individual sub-segments of helicopter industry, like ‘disaster relief’, ‘search & rescue’, HEMS etc.
                                                                          • Synergy between defense & civil aviation industry for MRO growth in India:- Govt. of India has constituted a high-powered committee comprising ministries of civil aviation and defence to prepare road-map for growth of MRO industry in India, as envisioned in the last union budget. MOCA has asked for MD BAOA to be part of ‘Joint Group’ of the stakeholders to suggest measures to achieve synergy and create volumes in MRO business in India for attracting investment and achieving optimal growth. Members are requested to go through the following ‘Terms of Reference’ of the ‘Joint Group’ and send their valuable suggestions/inputs in this regard:
                                                                          • • Capability/infrastructure mapping and value mapping of both civil and defence MROs currently existing in India.

                                                                            • Identify areas, items and resources which can be shared.

                                                                            • List the components/LRUs/services which are currently being imported along with their value.

                                                                            • Identifying such activities/services which can be started immediately and followed by other activities in phases.

                                                                          • Letter to JS(UP) on Levying ‘unauthorised stay charges’ by MIAL on NSOP/GA during lockdown period:- MOCA had held meeting with BAOA on GA/BA matters on 3rd July 2020 to discuss progress on all issues affecting the industry. The important issue of huge amount of penalty being levied on NSOP/GA operators on the pretext of ‘unauthorized stay charges’ at MIAL, during the period of complete lockdown, was discussed during the meeting. MOCA agreed to take up this issue with MIAL. Letter sent to JS, MOCA after the meeting. The matter is being followed up with the ministry and further progress would be shared with the members in subsequent updates.
                                                                          • Online (virtual) Stakeholders' Meeting by AERA on Consultation Paper issued for IGI Airport, Delhi (DIAL), for 3rd Control Period Dt. 17 July 2020:- BAOA was invited by AERA to participate in stakeholders meeting to discuss ‘Multi Year Tariff Plan’ (MYTP) of DIAL, for the next five years, on 17th July 2020. BAOA has asked for rationalisation of hangar and GH charges for NSOP/GA as currently these charges are not being applied on NSOP/GA as per AERA Act and approved tariff plan. Comments sent to AERA in this regard. Members are advised to send their individual comment too, in this regard, to AERA before the due date of 30th July 2020.
                                                                          • GB Discussion on 8th July 2020 – Way Ahead:- As a follow up of the GB-50 meeting, governing board members had another web meeting on 8th July to discuss future action plan for the next one year. The final document prepared in this regard, sent to all members. All Members are requested to send their valuable inputs to help us further fine-tune the future strategy for BAOA.
                                                                          • Update: May, 2020

                                                                            • MoCA order dated 25.05.2020 regarding recommencement of domestic air services by non-scheduled and private operators:- As govt. eased restrictions, BAOA worked closely with MOCA for issue of Order specific to NSOP/GA operations clearly bringing out the main differences with airlines operations. Please refer ‘Order’ of MOCA dated 25th May 2020 for NSOP/GA specific provisions in it. BAOA is now working with MOCA for providing ‘electronic platform’ to let NSOP/GA operators share passenger information with state govt. as per the specific requirements of each. Suggestions from members are requested in this regard by 30th May 2020
                                                                            • Letter to Secretary, MoCA, Use of Terminal 1-D for re-commencement of NSOP/GA operations:- BAOA has written to MOCA to consider allowing NSOP/GA operations from already operational GA/BA Terminal at 1D, instead of T3 as planned by DIAL. The same was reiterated during web-meeting with MOCA on 23rd May. It would be advisable for members to put in a similar requests to airport operators where separate terminal are available for GA/BA movements.
                                                                            • Standard Operating Protocol (SOP) for Private aircraft and Charter operations on international sectors in view of COVID -19 pandemic:- BAOA worked closely with MOCA for issue of separate SOP for recommencing international operations by Private and NSOP operators. This SOP has been prepared specifically for GA/BA industry. Please refer ‘Order’ of MOCA dated 26th May 2020
                                                                            • Letter to Cabinet Secretary on ‘Easing of Restrictions for NSOP/Pvt. Charter flights for Business/Professional/Medical use':- BAOA had earlier, during this month, had written to Cabinet Secretary for easing restrictions of flying for NSOP/GA..
                                                                            • Recommendation and Suggestions to FICCI:- BAOA discussed the medium and long-term steps required to support the GA/BA industry to overcome the effects of long lockdown period. Secretary CA also joined the meeting towards the end and asked for specific recommendations to be sent in this regard. please find our recommendations in three parts, as per the following three categories:
                                                                            • • COVID lockdown related financial assistance

                                                                              • Post COVID related policy and regulatory assistance to boost general aviation sector

                                                                              • Financial and Policy support from the Govt. (Helicopter segment of GA/BA/NSOP industry)

                                                                            • CII National Committee meeting on Civil Aviation on 18th May 2020:- MD BAOA participated in CII’s National Aviation Committee meeting on 18th May to discuss various measure required to boost the industry after operations restart. CII proposes to have meeting with MOS CA early next week to present comprehensive medium/long term measures in this regard. Besides the two issues ‘drones’ and eGCA, other issues under our consideration are; MSME status for small NSOP operators and ‘GST rationalization applicable to NSOP’/ATF to be brought under GST. Members are requested to send their suggestions in this regard by 30th May.
                                                                            • Update: April, 2020

                                                                              • Financial & Regulatory Measures Required due to COVID-19 crisis and kickstarting ‘Aviation Industry’:- MD, BAOA participated in video conference organized by FICCI’s National Aviation Committee yesterday, in which more than eighty aviation professionals took part to discuss immediate measures to be recommended to the govt. to help the aviation industry survive through the current unprecedented crisis. Secretary and Joint Secretary in civil aviation ministry also joined the video conference for half an hour. Based on discussions during the video conference, and inputs received from our members, the email was sent to FICCI last night. Members are requested to go through our recommendations and suggest any additional points to be included when these recommendations are deliberated again in the ministry early next week. Secretary CA mentioned during the video conference that he would be calling reps of the industry separately to move forward on the issues raised by associations representing various segments of the industry.
                                                                              • Letter to Hon’ble Minister of Civil Aviation ‘Grant of permission for NSOP/Pvt Charter aircraft for Business/Professional/Medical use’- BAOA has separately written to HMOS Civil Aviation to permit operations of NSOP/GA aircraft immediately, with ‘social distancing’ norms in place.
                                                                              • Letter to Ms. Usha Padhee, Joint Secretary MoCA – ‘Circular on ARC renewal of NSOP/GA Aircraft’- BAOA has written to MOCA, as well as DGCA, to amend the ARC renewal Circular more broad-based to include all the aircraft due for renewal during the lockdown period. The issue is under active consideration.
                                                                              • Letter to Capt. Atul Chandra, CFOI DGCA ‘COVID 19 - Impact on Pilot Refresher & IR at International TRTO’- BAOA has written the letter to DGCA to extend ‘Annual Refresher Training’ validity by three months for pilots due for it in April this year. Further, it has been requested to allow IR/PPC check on the aircraft due to current unavailability of simulators.
                                                                              • IBAC Position on CORSIA Baseline due to COVID-19- IBAC prepared a ‘discussion paper’ for setting ‘baseline’ due to COVID-19 situation. As members would be aware, CORSIA is an offsetting scheme of ICAO to reduce carbon emissions from international civil aviation operations. IBAC is aiming for fair and equitable ‘market based measure’ (MBM) parameters to be followed for implementing this scheme. Members are requested to go through the paper and send comments, if any, by coming Monday.
                                                                              • Update: March, 2020

                                                                                • Annual BizAvIndia Conference 11 March 2020:- The annual event of BAOA – BizAvIndia 2020 – was successfully conducted on 11th March in Hyderabad, on the sidelines of Wings 2020, the ‘four-day’ event of air show and conferences held by ministry of civil aviation from 12-15th March. Notwithstanding the unprecedented situation prevailing globally due COVID 19 threat, we had reasonable attendance for the afternoon conference and the networking dinner, that followed. The discussions during the conference were rich in content with forward looking approach. Following three separate sessions were held during the conference:
                                                                                • BizAvIndia Conference Sessions: -
                                                                                  • Panel Discussion I: Boosting Economic Growth with Business and General Aviation

                                                                                  • Panel Discussion II: Safety / Infrastructural / Security Challenges for achieving optimal growth of GA/BA in India and, the way forward

                                                                                  • Speakers/ Discussion – Session III: Emerging Trends & technologies to boost GA/BA growth in Asian region.

                                                                                • Social Impact of General Aviation, Concept paper by Pratt & Whitney Canada with collaboration with BAOA:- The concept paper, on ‘social impact of GA/BA industry’, globally, and its relevance to India, that Pratt & Whitney prepared in collaboration with BAOA, was released at the beginning of BizAvIndia conference in Hyderabad on 11th March. There were simultaneous ‘press releases’ at Montreal and Hyderabad to mark the occasion. Please see the link. Press Release
                                                                                  The full report is already available on BAOA’s website for study by the industry professionals. Please visit the link Concept paper for complete report. Inputs from our esteemed members, suggesting ‘follow up actions’ are welcome.
                                                                                • Letter to DGCA on “COVID 19 - Impact on Pilot Refresher & IR at International TRTO”:- In view of the prevailing restrictions on international air travel, BAOA has written letter to DGCA requesting for extension of validity of refresher courses & IR required to be done by Pilots of NSOP/GA/BA at foreign TRTOs. The matter would be followed up by personally interacting with concerned officials of DGCA. Further inputs from members are welcome.
                                                                                • Update: February, 2020

                                                                                  • Meeting in DGCA dt. 04 February 2020 with NSOP/GA operators to discuss GA/BA issues:- This month’s meeting at DGCA HQ was held on 4th February, progress on all the earlier issues was discussed and some fresh points like – timely disposal of critical issues and issue of final GTO CAR - were also discussed. Finalised minutes issued by DGCA would be circulated to all the members. The next monthly meeting with DGCA will be held on 31st March. Members are requested to send fresh agenda points for the meeting by 10th March.
                                                                                  • Meeting under the chairpersonship of Smt. Usha Padhee, JS, MoCA on 06 Feb 2020 discuss the issues related to Business and General Aviation (BA/GA):- MOCA held meeting with BAOA on GA matters on 6th February to discuss issues needing directions from MOCA. Please refer draft minutes shared with MOCA for reference. We have been able to revive the issue of cabin crew waiver for
                                                                                  • BAOA's Presentation to Chairperson AERA dt. 04 February 2020:- BAOA’s team gave a comprehensive presentation to Chairperson and members AERA to highlight aeronautical charges unfairly affecting NSOP/GA industry. We have, in particular, emphasized on high rentals for maintenance hangarage being paid on hourly basis. All the issues raised during the presentation are being followed up with AERA.
                                                                                  • Comments on AERA CP 17/2019-20 on for providing Ground Handling Service At Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad:- Comments submitted to AERA on CP seeking stakeholders’ views on GH charges at HIAL. We have brought up the issue of unreasonable ‘concession fee’ and differential charges for NSOP. Further inputs from members are welcome.
                                                                                  • BizAvIndia 11 March 2020 at ‘The Park, Hyderabad’. All our esteemed members are welcome to BAOA’s annual event – the BizAvIndia 2020 at Hyderabad on 11th March:- Detailed program will be sent soon. The event starts with conference at 12:30pm at hotel The Park Hyderabad. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘socio-economic impact of GA/BA industry on nations’. There is no delegate fee for BAOA members. Please attend in good numbers along with senior representatives from the company. The conference will be followed by networking dinner at the same venue at 8pm. Each company is expected to be represented by two senior officials
                                                                                  • Update: January, 2020

                                                                                    • Meeting in DGCA dt. 06 January 2020 with NSOP/GA operators to discuss GA/BA issues:- Due to DGCA officials being busy on 31st Dec, the last month’s meeting was held on 6th January 2020 with participation of around 20 members. We are still awaiting issue of finalised minutes of the meeting from DGCA. In the meanwhile, members are requested to see the proposed draft minutes sent to DGCA for approval. Please note that separate FDTL CAR for NSOP has been held up due to ongoing court case. BAOA had ‘follow up’ meeting on ‘GTO for small aircraft operators’ with Dy CFOI and additional inputs have already been submitted to CFOI for finalisation of the CAR on GTO. Further, members are requested to give their views/inputs on the QRs for categorisation as ‘suitably qualified pilot’ for conducting ‘line-training of P-2’ in NSOP/GA industry. Please send your inputs by 31st January 2020.
                                                                                    • Meeting under the chairpersonship of Economic Adviser, MoCA on 20/12/2019 to discuss the maintenance hangarage for NSOP:- MOCA had called a meeting of all the affected stakeholders to discuss the ‘right of self-maintenance’ and tariff for ‘maintenance hangarage’ as aeronautical charges. BAOA strongly emphasised on the need to rationalise these two issues soon to achieve optimal growth of small operators of NSOP/GA. The issue was again taken up later during meeting on 10th January 2020 with Economic Advisor to discuss GST applicability on aviation industry. We are in touch with MOCA for final directive to be issued in this regard.
                                                                                    • Rationalisation of FTC Charge levied by Airport Operators on Aviation Turbine Fuel (ATF) across all Airports in India:- Members would be aware that BAOA has been, for the past two years, raising the issue of FTC (fuel throughput charges) at public airports being levied by airport operator. The FTC has been a ‘royalty’ being taken from fuel companies by airport operators who, in turn, pass on these charges to operators. Our two years of efforts have finally paid off and ministry issued directive to AERA on 8th January asking for withdrawal of FTC from all public airports. This would result in cumulative saving of around Rs forty crores to NSOP industry and open the door to address all other royalties being levied on small aircraft industry as ‘market access charge’ or ‘share of revenue’. In this regard, please read para 3 of MOCA’s letter carefully.
                                                                                    • Meeting under the joint chairpersonship of Ms. Vandana Aggarwal, Economic Adviser (Civil Aviation) and Shri Yogendra Garg, Principal Commissioner (Policy), Department of Revenue (DoR) on 10th January, 2020 to discuss GST:- BAOA attended the meeting in MOCA to discuss GST applicability on aviation sector. We have emphasised on the requirement to treat NSOP at par with scheduled airlines for applicability of GST, being in the same category of ‘commercial operations’ as per ICAO’s definition. The issue of different interpretation of 12 & 18% GST on charter fights was also pointed out for issuing necessary clarification and the right interpretation as 12% applicable to NSOP flights. Our suggestions were supported by Economic Advisor MOCA and well received by representative from Deptt. Of Revenue.
                                                                                    • Meeting with DIAL on 17 January 2020. BAOA had meeting with Chief Commercial Officer of DIAL on 17th January 2020 to discuss issues concerning NSOP/GA industry at DIAL:- President BAOA, AVM Chauhan was also present during the meeting wherein issues like – ‘self maintenance for CAR 145 approved operator’, development of MRO facilities at DIAL, ‘rationalisation of GH and maintenance hangarage charges’ - were discussed in detail. We are following up on these issues and members would be kept updated.
                                                                                    • Update: December, 2019

                                                                                      • Minutes of Meeting in DGCA dt. 26 November 2019 under the Chairmanship of Sh. Atul Chandra, CFOI with NSOP/GA operators to discuss GA/BA issues:- Tthe minutes recently issued by DGCA on the monthly meeting held on 26th November. Some issues like separate FDTL for NSOP and amendments to Aircraft Rules on ATPL have made progress. Members are requested to go through the minutes and send their comments / suggestions / inputs on each item for meaningful discussions on pending issues still under consideration during future monthly meetings in DGCA. Please send your suggestions for new items to be included in agenda for the next meeting, planned for 31st December 2:30pm, by 24th December to be forwarded to DGCA soon.
                                                                                      • MoCA reply on various points raised by BAOA:- Please see reply and gist of replies received, as given below, from MOCA in response to our letter written on 29th July 2019 regarding FTC, GH charges and tariff of maintenance hangars. BAOA has raised these issues again as some of the information contained in the letter is not factually correct.
                                                                                      • - Fuel Throughput charges (FTC) on ATF be done away and considered for merging with UDF charges to meet the overall ARR requirement of the airport.
                                                                                      • - Ground Handling’ charges at the airport, though aeronautical in nature as per the AERA Act, cannot be fixed on a cost-plus basis. AERA has suggested ‘self-ground handling’ or ‘ground handling under own arrangements’ be considered for non-scheduled / charter operators. This would need tweaking the existing GH Policy of MoCA.
                                                                                      • - Maintenance hangar charges as ‘housing charges’ at airports be aeronautical only when aircraft are parked there on an hourly basis for essential maintenance services under CAR 145 related work. Hangars on monthly lease to be treated as ‘non-aeronautical’ in nature.
                                                                                      • Letter to Ms. Vandana Aggarwal, Eco. Adv on MoCA’s directions on implementation of AERA order on levying ‘housing charges’ at public airports:- Letter written to Economic Advisor to MOCA on the need to implement AERA’s order on ‘housing charges’. Subsequent to receiving this letter, MOCA held a meeting of all the stakeholders on 20th December to threadbare discuss the issue in a fair and transparent manner. We are awaiting minutes of this recently held meeting and would share it with members soon.
                                                                                      • Comments on AERA CP 11/2019-20 in respect of M/S Globeground India private limited(GGI) for providing Ground Handling Services at Kempegowda International Airport, Bengaluru:- Comments sent by BAOA on GH charges at BIAL. We have pointed out that unreasonable ‘concession fee’ is the root cause of high GH charges and the same need to be rationalized.
                                                                                      • Letter to DG, BCAS on proposal for Aviation Security Training Institute (ASTI):- BAOA has written a letter to DG BCAS suggesting a separate AVSEC training center approval for NSOP and GA industry. Further progress in this matter will be shared with all our members.
                                                                                      • Update: November, 2019

                                                                                        • Letter to Economic Advisor MOCA on ‘use of maintenance hangarage at public airport for NSOP Operators dt. 29 October 2019:- BAOA has taken up the issue of lack of maintenance hangar availability for NSOP/GA operators at airports to allow for self-maintenance of own aircraft, if so required. Since enabling India to become maintenance hub is one of the stated aims of the government in the last union budget, we have apprised MOCA of the unfair denial of self-maintenance right to NSOP/GA operators by airport operators. The issue is likely to be discussed in the stakeholders consultation meeting by MOCA to hear views of all concerned.
                                                                                        • Comment of AERA on CP 10/2019-20 on in respect of M/S Celebi NAS Airport Services India Pvt. Ltd (M/S CELEBI NAS) for providing Ground Handling Services at CSMI, Mumbai:- Consultation Paper (CP) issued by AERA to determine GH tariff at Mumbai was shared with our members. Based on one comment received from EIH Aviation, the draft has been prepared for submission to AERA on 20th November 2019.
                                                                                        • Letter to DGCA on Revised comments on Amendments in Section M, Schedule II, Aircraft Rules 1937:- Based on our further discussions with DDG Training & Licensing DGCA, we have now submitted revised comments on the draft ‘gazette notification’ issued by MOCA to amend existing requirements for grant of ATPL. These comments are now specific to the proposed draft amendment and, we shall be submitting comprehensive suggestions for further rationalizing training and licensing requirements for aircrew after receiving more inputs from our members. Please send your inputs for changes in CARs /Aircraft Rules pertaining to training and licensing by 15th December 2019.
                                                                                        • Letter to DG, DGCA on Threshold time for NSOP Operators dt. 21 October 2019 & request for meeting on threshold time:- The letter sent to DG DGCA requesting for expeditious release of the already finalized CAR to increase ‘threshold time’ for NSOP to 120 min. This being part of comprehensive CAR on EDTO, involving scheduled flights too, has not progress to finality, as yet. BAOA is looking at all possible options to get it resolved soon.
                                                                                        • Update: October, 2019

                                                                                          • AERA letter on Ground Handling Charges for NSOP/GA:- Members are aware of the continuous efforts being made to rationalize ‘ground handling’ (GH) charges being levied on NSOP/GA industry at public airports. The hefty increase in GH charges by concessionaires at Delhi (DIAL) was taken up with the statutory body ‘Airport Economic Regulatory Authority” (AERA). The issue was further taken up by AERA with DIAL. AERA has not accepted plea of DIAL for treating GH charges as non-aeronautical and directed that concessionaires file their tariff plan with AERA immediately. It is expected that concessionaires should file tariff plan with AERA before the end of this month and the same would be put up by stakeholders consultation. Members using GH services at DIAL are advised to insist on paying only the charges previously approved by AERA till revised charges get approved.
                                                                                          • Letter to Chairperson AERA on levying ‘housing charges’ for hangars at pubic airports:- We have taken up the issue of non-implementation of AERA’s approved tariff, on ‘housing charges’ (parking in hangar), specifically affecting NSOP/GA industry due to most operators not in possession of own hangars. Chairperson AERA has personally spoken to MD on the issue and asked for comprehensive presentation covering the issue of all the aeronautical charges affecting NSOP/GA industry. Members are requested to send their well considered suggestions in this regard by 28th October as our presentation is slated to take place in the first week of November.
                                                                                          • Comments on AERA CP 07/2019-20 in respect of M/s Celebi Airport Services India Pvt. Ltd. for providing GH services in IGIA:- BAOA has sent comments on CP issued by AERA for determining GH charges by Celebi Airport Services at Delhi. We have objected to the practice of fixing GH charges by ‘soft touch’ approach method and suggested to adopt a more rational ‘cost plus’ method for fixing the GH charges, categorized as aeronautical services at public airports.
                                                                                          • Comment on MoCA notification on Amendments in Section M, Schedule II, Aircraft Rules 1937:- BAOA has been asking for rationalization of experience requirement for issue of ATPL by DGCA. This issue has been one of our main agenda points in meetings with MOCA/DGCA to effect changes in Aircraft Rules in this regard. Finally, MOCA published draft gazette notification last month proposing to rationalize the existing provisions in Aircraft Rules. BAOA has sent comments to DGCA/MOCA in response to the government’s gazette notification.
                                                                                          • Letter to DG, DGCA on ‘threshold time’ for NSOP:- There has been inordinate delay from DGCA for issuing the amended CAR, on increasing ‘threshold time’ for NSOP from 90’ to 120 min, in spite of decision in this regard finally taken in the meeting with NSOP operators and finally approved by CAR Group, thereafter. WE have now written to DG DGCA to get the amended CAR issued soon.
                                                                                          • Extension of Implementation of Aviation English Language Proficiency (ELP) for Flight Crew:- The issue of extending date of ELP approval for flight crew further after 31st October was taken up with DGCA. The Public Notice issued by DGCA on 14th October extending date of implementation to 1st January 2020.
                                                                                          • Update:September, 2019

                                                                                            • Monthly Meeting in DGCA dt. 27 August 2019 under the Chairmanship of Sh. Atul Chandra, CFOI with NSOP/GA operators to discuss GA/BA issues:- The last month’s meeting in DGCA was held on 27th August under the chairpersonship of CFOI. The meeting was attended by more than 15 members of BAOA. Agenda for the meeting was shared with all our members seven days in advance. Issues like ‘threshold time’, FDTL and ‘directive on GTOs’ have been finalised. Final CARs on all these three issues are expected to be issued during this month only. Among the fresh issues discussed during the meeting, ‘experience required for grant of ATPL’ and ‘filing difference for allowing international operations of aircraft mandated for retro-fitment of FDR by DGCA’ were progressed during the meeting. Minutes of the meeting are expected to be received from DGCA soon and will be shared with all members. Next meeting has been planned for 2:30pm on 23rd September (Monday). Members are requested to send agenda points for the forthcoming meeting by 12pm on 16th September. Please share thorough research done on the issue, from the perspective of ‘global best practices’, while proposing agenda points.
                                                                                            • Meeting with Joint Secretary Ms. Usha Padhee dt. 09 September 2019 on “Operationalization of the small aircraft for the small Airports under UDAN”:- A meeting was held in DGCA on 9th September to discuss optimal utilization of spare capacity available with NSOP operators to connect remote/hilly areas under the UDAN-4 scheme of MOCA. It has been apprised to MOCA that, for success and long-term sustainability of remote connectivity schemes, it has to be ensured that ‘chartering of the complete aircraft’ or ‘per seat payment by state/central govts.’ should not cause any financial loss to the NSOP operators. MOCA is working on different options in this regard and likely to allow limited publishing of schedule to NSOPs, taking part in next UDAN-4, to optimize the available spare capacity.
                                                                                            • Letter to CFOI, DGCA on “Modification of FCL 03/2012 dt. 20 August 2019Letter written to DGCA on modifying existing FCL 03/2012 to allow similar ATPL privileges to helicopter pilots, as is given to fixed-wing pilots. This issue was debated during the last monthly meeting held in DGCA on 27th August. The discussions remained inconclusive due to some observations made by DGCA’s officials.
                                                                                            • Letter to JDG, DGCA on “Amendments in Section M, Schedule II, Aircraft Rules 1937” dt. 23 August 2019:- Letter written to DGCA on further amendments required for grant of ATPL. As already mentioned above, this is a ongoing issue and well-researched inputs from members are critical to get the required changes approved in the existing provisions of Aircraft Rules. Members are requested send their inputs by 16th September, latest.
                                                                                            • Letter to DG, BCAS on “ Aircraft Entry for Foreign Visitors” dt. 30 August 2019:- The issue of ‘airport entry pass’ (AEP) to bona-fide engineers and ‘sale/purchase personnel’ continue to be a thorny issue due to existing procedures for issue of AEPs in such cases. BAOA has taken up this issue with DG, BCAS to rationalise the procedure, in line with global best practices.
                                                                                            • Update:August, 2019

                                                                                              • Monthly Meeting in DGCA dt. 30 July 2019 under the Chairmanship of Sh. Atul Chandra, CFOI with NSOP/GA operators to discuss GA/BA issues:- In accordance with decision taken during meeting with Secretary CA on 16th July 2019, the monthly meeting in DGCA with BAOA, on the last Tuesday of each month, restarted on 30th July 2019. President and MD BAOA attended the meeting. The earlier draft CAR on ‘threshold time’ was discussed again this week with DGCA and the final CAR is expected to be issued by the end of this month. Further, CAR for separate FDTL, in case of NSOP operators, would also be issued by this month end. DGCA is soon going to issue specific CAP for operating GTOs, for which inputs had been taken from BAOA earlier. Members are requested to send agenda points, by 16th August, for the next meeting in DGCA scheduled to be held on 27th of this month. DGCA has insisted on agenda points to be sent a week before the meeting.
                                                                                              • Letter to Secretary, AERA on “Hefty increase in GH charges by concessionaire at DIAL” dt. 24 July 2019:- BAOA has taken up the issue of recent hefty increase in ‘ground handling charges’ at DIAL with AERA and sought clarification from the regulator in this regard. The matter is being aggressively taken up in other forums also to rationalise these charges in accordance with provisions of AERA Act.
                                                                                              • Letter to Joint Secretary, Ms. Rubina Ali on “option of Ground Handling under own arrangement to non-scheduled commercial operations” dt. 29 July 2019:- As follow up of discussions with Secretary CA on 16th July, a letter has been sent to Joint Secretary, in charge of airports, to amend the current provisions in GH policy of MOCA and grant option of self-handling to NSOP operators by forming a consortium. This issue would be further followed up depending upon the response received from MOCA.
                                                                                              • Meeting with Ms. Vandana Aggarwal, Economic Advisor dt. 07 August 2019:- MD BAOA had discussions with Economic Advisor in MOCA on rationalising ‘custom duty’ for import of aircraft between commercial and non-commercial categories to encourage consolidation in the industry leading to efficient operations of ‘aircraft management companies’. The ‘concept paper’ shared with MOCA in this regard. Further, the issues of self-maintenance and, 5% GST on all categories of aircraft spares were also emphasised during the meeting. Updates on these issues would be shared with members subsequently.
                                                                                              • Update:July, 2019

                                                                                                • Comment on AAI’s paper on Philosophy of aeronautical charges at non-major airports dt. 22 June 2019:- BAOA participated in the stakeholder meeting held by AAI on 22nd June to discuss philosophy of deciding aeronautical charges at non-major airports, not falling under the preview of AERA. The meeting was attended by Chairman AAI. We have asked for removal of royalty element from all types of aeronautical charges at public airports. We have specifically mentioned about the royalty being charged on ATF, GH Charges and hangar use for CAR 145 related maintenance. Further, BAOA has categorically stated that aeronautical charges at non-major airports should continue to be cross-subsidized through additional revenue received from major airports.
                                                                                                • RTI Reply on Amendment of Schedule II of the Aircraft Rule, 1937 (Section M & N) dt. 27 June 2019:- We have, finally, received information on the amendments proposed by DGCA to rationalize requirement for grant of ATPL and bring these at par with best global practices. The RTI reply received from DGCA in this regard. There are still some issues, like getting credit for co-pilot hours, which need to be addressed..
                                                                                                • Letter to JDG on Revision of Threshold Time for Non ETOPS-NSOP Aircraft dt. 09 July 2019:- We continue to pursue the issue of revision of threshold time for NSOP to 120 min. The matter has progressed since then and we expect final CAR to be issued by the end of this month.
                                                                                                • Meeting with Secretary, CA to discuss the way forward for NSOP/General Aviation dt. 16 July 2019:- BAOA members participated in good numbers in the meeting held at MOCA on 16th July 2019 under the chairpersonship of Secretary CA to discuss issues affecting NSOP/GA industry in India. MD BAOA gave the presentation during the meeting. We have highlighted all the major issues not conducive to optimal growth of NSOP/GA in India. MOCA is expected to soon issues minutes of the meeting to share the decisions taken to address the issues highlighted during the meeting.
                                                                                                • Update:June, 2019

                                                                                                  • Follow up meeting on 30.04.2019 under the Chairpersonship of JS(U) on issues related to General Aviation:- BAOA had meeting in MOCA to discuss ‘follow up’ actions on important issues already taken up at different meetings held earlier. As regards Threshold Limit to 120 min, two meetings have taken place with FSD and DAW in DGCA, since then. The issue is likely to be finalised soon.
                                                                                                  • Letter from DGCA on ‘Specific Recommendations on Pilot Licensing Requirements for Smaller Fixed Wing/Rotary Wing Aircraft’:- DGCA finally replied to our suggestions for changed approach to ‘training and licensing’ standards for aircrew and align them with global standards. Inputs from members, on DGCA’s replies, would be crucial to progress all the suggestions to logical end. As regards simplifying ATPL regulations covered at para 5 of DGCA’s letter, BAOA has already sought details on proposed DGCA’s draft from MOCA.
                                                                                                  • Comment on AERA CP 03/2019-20, determination of aeronautical tariffs in respect of Jay Prakash Narayan International Airport, Patna for the first control period (01.04.2018-31.03.2023):- Two separate letters sent to AERA regarding MYTP for Patna airport. In the follow up meeting at AERA, it has been proposed to consider deleting FTP and meet the resultant ARR shortfall through UDF. BAOA is working to eliminate royalties from aeronautical tariff at public airports. In another letter on the same issue, BAOA has asked for of GH charges at Patna airport to be fixed by AERA as per AERA Act. The matter is being followed up with MOCA, as advised by AERA during stakeholders meeting held on 7th June 2019.
                                                                                                  • Follow up letter with Secretary, MoCA on Rationalisation of Aeronautical Charges at Public Airports operating under PPP model:- Members are requested to send their comments on the latter written recently to Secretary CA, as ‘follow up’ of the stakeholders meeting held at AERA for Patna airport. We have asked for complete rationalisation of aeronautical tariff at public airports, especially the hitherto unregulated GH charges and the maintenance hangar charges. AERA has suggested for self-handling to be allowed for commercial non-scheduled operators in India and the same has been taken up with MOCA for implementation through amendment in GH Policy. Members are welcome to send further suggestions in this regard.
                                                                                                  • Letter to Economic Advisor on Proposals for GST Council & Union Budget dt. 12 June 201:- BAOA has sent specific suggestions to MOCA for rationalising GST/BCD applicable on GA/BA industry like - GST on charter flights, sale of aircraft within India, import of aircraft for NSOP/Corporate/Individual use. These suggestions have also been taken up through industry bodies like CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM and PHD Chamber.
                                                                                                  • Meeting with Head FSD on ‘CAP on GTO’ dt. 04 June 2019:- DGCA is soon planning to issue new CAP on GTO, as none exists at present. In this regard, BAOA had meeting with CFOI and other FSD officials on 4th June at DGCA HQ. DGCA has sought inputs on rationalising ground training requirements for aircrew, post type rating / endorsement at ATO/DTL. Members are requested to send their suggestions on modifying existing ground training requirement, ASAP, to help us finalise BAOA’s recommendations in this regard.
                                                                                                  • Update:April, 2019

                                                                                                    • Minutes of the meeting under the chairpersonship of Secretary (CA) held on 14.03.2019, to discuss the issues arising from ATF Throughput, Infrastructure and Into Plane Charges:- BAOA is focussing on rationalising all the aeronautical charges to lessen the burden of operating costs on the operators. In this direction, we have been working with MOCA to ensure ‘fuel throughput charges’ are not subjected to ‘tax on tax’ and these remain simple ‘pass through charges’. In this regard, presentation was given to HMOS in September last year and a separate letter sent to Chairman AERA in Feb 2019. These are ongoing efforts and we hope to see the positive result soon on rationalisation of ATF charges at public airports.
                                                                                                    • Letter to CFOI, Comment on Draft Revision to CAR Section 8 Series S Part I - Requirements for Extended Diversion Time Operations (EDTO) for Commercial Air Transport:- The letter sent to CFOI as comments on revised CAR on EDTO. It has been reiterated that the draft CAR is, in fact, a step backward and the whole issue needs a relook in line with existing regulations of FAA / EASA on EDTO. Further inputs from members are welcome.
                                                                                                    • Letters to Secretary, CA and Chairperson, AERA on Rationalisation of Aeronautical Charges at Public Airports operating under PPP model:- Letter written to Secretary CA and Chairman AERA on the issue of royalties continuing to be part of aeronautical services even after enactment of AERA Act in 2009. These royalties / ‘revenue share’ unfairly add to cost of operations making long-term operations unviable for airlines, both scheduled and non-scheduled. BAOA also intends to work with industry bodies like CII/FICCI/ASSOCHAM/PHD Chamber to rationalise all such charges and reduce operating costs for aircraft operators.
                                                                                                    • Letter to Chairperson AERA on Increase in Rentals at G5 Building IGI Airport, Terminal 1:- This issue affects GA/BA operators having their offices in G+5 building at IGI Airport. DIAL had not increased rentals of these offices for two years after BAOA represented against high rentals in 2016. However, this year the rentals have been increased by 7.5%. We have now written to Chairman AERA to intervene and rationalize the yearly increase as per CPI/WPI.
                                                                                                    • Update: March, 2019

                                                                                                      • Minutes of meeting held under chairmanship of HMOS on 18th Feb:- MOCA duly responded to our letter mentioned in the last month’s updates and meeting of stakeholders was called on 18th February, which was chaired by HMOS Shri Jayant Sinha himself. All important issues of GA/BA were highlighted during the meeting, in which Secretary CA and DG DGCA were also present. The important issue of rationalising ‘training and licensing requirements of aircrew’ was specifically mentioned during the meeting and updates sought on the present status of changes recommended by BAOA in Aircraft Rules. We have sent reminder to MOCA last Friday asking to provide updates soon on this issue.
                                                                                                      • Third Meeting of the CII Aviation Committee dt. 20 March 2019:- BAOA continues to partner with CII to take up important GA/BA issues with MOCA and other government bodies like BCAS and AAI. The GA team of National Aviation Committee of CII is headed by MD BAOA. The 3rd meeting of CII Aviation Committee was held on 20th March at India International Centre, chaired by Sr Economic Advisor of MOCA. We have highlighted issues like ‘policy on aircraft management companies’, rationalisation of import duty on aircraft in NSOP and GA categories, for seamless use of same aircraft in both, and expediting CISF manning of all licensed airports to address doubts of defence forces on safe operations of NSOP/GA aircraft from smaller airports.
                                                                                                      • Rationalisation of Rental Charges at T1 G5 Building for FY- 2019-20:- BAOA’s members, occupying offices at G+5 building at IGI T1, would recall that there have been no annual increases in office rentals during the last two FYs due to strong stand taken by us on existing high rentals. However, this year DIAL has proposed 7.5% increase from 1st April 2019. BAOA has again raised objection to it and asked for roll back and to link any subsequent annual increase to WPI / rate of inflation. Affected members are requested to write to DIAL, individually too, for rolling back the proposed increase and rationalization of annual increase in the later years. Please email copy of your mail to MD BAOA for our further reference.
                                                                                                      • Meeting in AERA dt. 26 February 2019 on Direct Levying of Fuel Throughput Charges to oil Companies by Airport Operators:- BAOA has been fighting hard for removal of FTC (Fuel Throughput Charges), a royalty payment to airport operator, which escalates FTC to 60% higher figure in some states due to ‘tax on tax’ (VAT & excise duty) being applied by oil companies on ATF. AERA called a meeting of all the stakeholders on 26th February to discuss the issue and subsequently meeting was also held in MOCA under chairmanship of Secretary CA.
                                                                                                      • Revision to CAR Section 2 Series F Part XX - Age of Aircraft to be imported for Scheduled / Non-Scheduled including Charter, General Aviation and other Operations:- Members are requested to go through the changed parts of revised draft CAR (para 3.1 to 3.4) on age of aircraft for import to India. While the age bar for aerial work has been completely removed, there are new Notes (1 & 2) on flying / maintenance carried out during the last six months. Members are advised to note the changes.
                                                                                                      • Update: February, 2019

                                                                                                        • Letter to Hon’ble Minister of State, MoCA on pending GA/BA issues of monthly stakeholders meeting needing immediate action by MoCA:- As our members may be aware, Mr. R.N. Choubey, Secretary CA superannuated on 31st January after a very distinguished tenure. In order to keep up the tempo, the letter was written to HMOS requesting for ‘follow up’ action on issues pending since the last monthly stakeholders meeting that was held by outgoing Secretary on 9th January. HMOS has positively responded to our request and a notice has just been received from MOCA for stakeholders meeting next week to discuss pending issues under the chairpersonship of HMOS. Members would be kept updated on progress achieved during this meeting.
                                                                                                        • Letter to JS, Ms. Usha Padhee on Manning of all licensed airports by CISF:- As a follow up of discussions on ‘security issues at airports’ during Global Aviation Summit held in Mumbai last month, BAOA wrote the letter to Ms. Usha Padhee, JS MOCA for expediting CISF manning of all licensed airports in India. This issue is likely to be discussed during the next meeting on GA/BA issues under chairpersonship of Ms. Usha Padhee. Members are welcome to send any further inputs in this regard, ASAP.
                                                                                                        • Letter to Chairperson, AERA on direct levying of Fuel Throughput Charges (FTC) to Oil Companies by Airport Operators:- The levying of ‘fuel throughput charges’ on ATF is being taken up with MOCA for complete rationalisation of the issue. MOCA is strongly of the view that ‘tax on tax’ for FTC on ATF should not be there at all. BAOA has written the letter to AERA asking for collection of FTC, as ‘pass through’ charge, directly invoiced by ‘airport operator’ to oil companies and, not be part of total ATF bill raised by oil companies against aircraft operators. The matter is being progressed with AERA and MOCA.
                                                                                                        • Draft Comments on CAR for issue of Indian licenses and aircraft rating to pilots holding licences/rating issued by contracting states of ICAO:- Draft CAR of DGCA, seeking comments from stakeholders on ‘requirement for issue of Indian licenses for foreign license holders, has been on DGCA’s website since 23 January 2019. The last date for submission of comments being 22 February 2019, members are requested to send their comments, on the proposed response to DGCA, by 18th February 2019
                                                                                                        • Update: January, 2019

                                                                                                          • Comment of Draft Revision of CAR – FDTL (Flight Crew) :- BAOA remained involved in preparing draft FDTL CAR separately for NSOP/State Govt./Private aircraft owners. The draft was put up on DGCA’s website during Nov 2018 and comments were required to be submitted by 16th Dec 2018. As per inputs received from members, BAOA submitted comments, well in time.
                                                                                                          • NOTAM on ADS-B - Effected date postponed to 01-01-2020 :- BAOA took a strong stand on AIP 148/2018, issued by AAI, restricting RVSM airspace use for aircraft not retro-fitted by ADS-B equipment by 01/012019. It was pointed out to DGCA and AAI that the notice period, given in AIP, is unrealistic and not conforming to standard practice of at least one year notice period for such retro-fitment requirements. As a follow up to the letters written by BAOA and affected operators on the issue, a meeting was called in DGCA on 26th Dec 2018, chaired by JDG. As per commitment individually given by affected operators to ensure retro-fitment of ADS-B by 31st Dec 2019, AAI issued the NOTAM postponing the implementation date of AIP 148/2018 to 1st Jan 2020. Our sincere thanks to all members for fully collaborating with BAOA’s plans to address the issue expeditiously. Members are advised to ensure retro-fitment of ADS-B at the earliest due to AAI’s decision to accord priority to ADS-B enabled aircraft in TA from June 2019 onwards.
                                                                                                          • Letter to Secretary, CA on Pending issues of Monthly Stakeholder’s Meeting :- BAOA’s ongoing issues; ‘proportionate regulations, ‘EDTO’s threshold limit to 120 min’ and ‘AOR exemption for NSOP at civil enclaves’; are nearing finalisation. However, due to paucity of time, final directions couldn’t be given by Secretary CA during the last stakeholders meeting held on 9th Jan 2019. Accordingly, the letter has been written to Secretary CA requesting for separate meeting be held soon to ensure given dead-lines, to address these issues, are adhered to
                                                                                                          • Comment on AERA Consultation Paper 23-24/ 2018-19 on Aeronautical Tariff (Visakhapatnam & Bhubaneswar airports) :- BAOA continues to raise objection on authorizing ‘fuel throughput charges’ FTC as part of aeronautical tariff by AERA. Comments sent to AERA in response to Consultation Paper (CP), on Vizag and Bhubaneshwar airports issued by AERA, to determine aeronautical tariff. This issue of wrongful levying of FTC, as royalty, is also being separately pursued with MOCA.
                                                                                                          • Letter to DGCA on Validation of Foreign Licences of Flight Crew :- As was informed to members last month, pursuant to BAOA’s letter and issue being discussed with Secretary CA, DGCA amended CAR on import of aircraft to remove age bar on import of aircraft for ‘Aerial Work’. We have now taken up the issue of ‘initial FATA’ for Aerial Work to be issued for six months for aerial work involving specific projects.
                                                                                                          • Update: December, 2018

                                                                                                            • ADS-B Equipage mandate in India :- BAOA team had meeting in DGCA chaired by JDG (JS Rawat) on 22nd November and raised the issue of ADS-B being enforced for flying in RVSM air space, without any time-line for changed airworthiness requirement of retro-fitting transponder being mandated by DGCA. letter sent to JDG in this regard, with interim list of affected operators. As already advised to affected members, please send letter to JDG apprising DGCA of the plans to retro-fit ADS-B transponder in your company’s aircraft, with copy to BAOA.
                                                                                                            • Removal of age bar for import of aircraft for Aerial Work :- BAOA has been aggressively pursuing the issue of removal of age bar on import of aircraft for ‘aerial work’. The issue was raised in the monthly meeting of stakeholders with Secretary CA. Please see the draft CAR, recently issued by DGCA, providing for removal of any age bar for ‘Aerial Work’. This is a big step taken towards rationalising regulatory requirements in India for smaller aircraft of GA/BA industry. Members are requested to give wider publicity to this major success to help others operators, not yet members of BAOA, appreciate the benefit of strengthening BAOA as the platform to work for growth of GA/BA industry in India.
                                                                                                            • Meeting with Mr. SK Mishra JS MOCA on specific suggestions of proportionate regulations for fixed wing & rotary wing aircraft (07 December 2018) :- As follow up of the specific proposals, sent to DG DGCA and Secretary MOCA, for proportionate safety regulations for smaller aircraft of GA/BA industry, a detailed meeting was held with JS in-charge of DGCA matters in MOCA, Mr. S.K. Mishra. BAOA is closely working on this issue and the required changes in Aircraft Rules / CARs are being finalised with support from experts in the industry. The next discussion on the issue would take place in MOCA on 7th January 2019.
                                                                                                            • Meeting with Senior Economic Advisor :- A detailed meeting was held with Sr Economic Advisor in MOCA on 5th December 2018 to discuss the requirement to rationalise GST applicability for GA/BA industry and, treat all commercial air transport operations, scheduled and non-scheduled, at par. We are aiming to align taxation requirements, with regulatory CARs, to allow fair treatment to GA/BA industry. Members would be kept updated on further progress on this critical issue.
                                                                                                            • Update: November, 2018

                                                                                                              • Meeting with Shri Jayant Sinha, Hon'ble MoS for Civil Aviation dt. 26 October 2018 :- A meeting was held with Hon’ble MOS CA, Mr. Jayant Sinha on 26th October 2018 to discuss progress on applicability of GST fairly to NSOP/GA industry. He assured that the issue of rationalising the existing 18% GST, applicable on NSOP, is being strongly taken up with Ministry of Finance to bring parity with scheduled airlines. BAOA is closely following up the issue with other officials of the civil aviation ministry.
                                                                                                              • Presentation to Secretary (CA), monthly stakeholders meeting dt. 26 October 2018 :- BAOA made the presentation to Secretary CA during the stakeholders meeting held on 26th October in MOCA. The slow progress on issues like ‘enhancing EDTO limit to 120 min for NSOP’ and ‘waiver of AOR requirement for civil enclaves’ were highlighted during the meeting. Secretary CA has agreed to chair a separate meeting on EDTO and send official letter to MOD on waiving AOR for GA/BA industry. DGCA also committed to bring out a separate CAR on FDTL for NSOP/State Govts. by the end of November 2018, which would give relaxed requirements for NSOP operators.
                                                                                                              • Follow-up meeting under the Chairpersonship of Economic Adviser (Civil Aviation), in order to rationalise the present mechanism of invoicing of ATF Throughput Charges dt. 26 October 2018 :- The issue of double taxation on ATF, being lifted from airports across India, was highlighted during meeting with HMOS in CII on 5th September. Senior Economic Advisor, MOCA has followed up the issue and had series of meetings with ‘airport operators’, oil companies and aircraft operators. During the last meeting on the issue held on 26th October, the attached SOP has been proposed by MOCA to avoid double taxation on ATF. BAOA has expressed the view that final monthly invoice should be raised by ‘airport operators’ and not oil companies on ‘fuel throughput charge’ has been authorised by AERA in MYTP as aeronautical charge.
                                                                                                              • Meeting under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Usha Padhee, JS (MoCA), on issue related to General Aviation dt. 12 November 2018 :- A meeting was held on 12th November chaired by Smt. Usha Padhee, Joint Secretary MOCA to discuss GA issues. BAOA took up the issue of NSOP operators not being given any notice period, for retro-fitment of ADS-B transponder, in the recent AIP issued by AAI mandating use of RVSM airspace only to aircraft fitted with this transponder. The matter will be taken up again during the monthly stakeholders meeting with Secretary CA on 27th November. Members are requested to share the relevant information on affected aircraft with MD BAOA, ASAP.
                                                                                                              • Update: October, 2018

                                                                                                                • Meeting under the Chairpersonship of Economic Adviser (Civil Aviation) to discuss the issues of ATF Throughput Charges dt. 16 October 2018 :- MD BAOA had met HMOS Civil Aviation for rationalization of GST applicability for GA/BA industry. Economic Advisor of MOCA is actively working on our proposal to rationalize GST to 12% (with input tax credits). The issue of double taxation on airport charges for aviation fuel was specifically discussed in the meeting of stakeholders on 16 October to rationalize taxes on ‘fuel throughput charges’ (FTC). Members are requested to offer their comments by 25th October on the proposed SOP for separately billing the FTC component to avoid double taxation.
                                                                                                                • Letter to DG, DGCA on Specific Suggestions on ‘Way Forward’: Proportionate Regulations & Categorization of AT Ops in India :- BAOA has been actively pursuing the requirement of graded regulatory structure to optimise growth of GA/BA industry in India. Inputs / comments from members are welcome as we progress on this important requirement having far reaching consequences for our GA/BA industry.
                                                                                                                • Update: September, 2018

                                                                                                                  • Meeting under the Chairpersonship of Economic Adviser (Civil Aviation) to discuss the issues of GST rates on non-scheduled air transport service and chartered air transport service dt. 20 August 2018 :- Five members of BAOA’s Governing Board attended the meeting in MOCA on 20th August to discuss applicability of GST on GA/BA industry. The meeting was also attended by representatives from DGCA and Min of Finance. As desired by MOCA, detailed email was later sent to Economic Advisor emphasizing on the need to treat non-scheduled airlines at par with scheduled airlines for charging GST. The proposal is also being followed up with Hon’ble MOS CA and Min of Finance.
                                                                                                                  • Presentation to Secretary, MoCA on 28th August 2018. President and MD attended the stakeholders meeting in MOCA, chaired by Secretary CA, on 28th August :- The issue of re-categorisation of AT ops and proportionate regulations for smaller aircraft of GA/BA was discussed again. DG DGCA asked for a deferring discussions on the issue for one month for better understanding of the benefits of re-categorisation. The matter continues to be actively pursued by us.
                                                                                                                  • DGCA Meeting o